Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 204: The auction begins

Professional staff lead the way. The auction venue is in front of them. Many people have already arrived at the auction site. Cynthia and the others find a place to sit down at will.

The scene of the auction was very elegant, with a white rose and a letter on the seat. Cynthia opened the envelope and wrote: "Every painting is looking forward to meeting someone who appreciates it. If you are a destined person Please take care of it." Is this master Bennett still believing in fate?

Cynthia saw Casio's mother sitting there in the first few rows and looked at Casio beside her, "Casio, won't you go back to Auntie?"

Casio looked at Cynthia with a smirk. His smile was very innocent. He shook his head and said, "I won't go back, and finally run into you. I want to be with you. I don't know when we will meet again next time. Mother won't Whatever she said, she loves me very much."

Cynthia nodded her head like understanding. Her thoughts have been on the painting called "Tears". Generally, not many people will collect the paintings that are not from the masters, but there are also people like Master Bennett who saw the paintings. I fell in love with it at a glance, I hope I can take it smoothly today.

The host of the auction is Elsa. She is a recognized beauty host in the industry. She was invited by Master Knight to host this auction. Elsa is wearing a **** dress. She looks **** and high-end. The golden curly hair looks very charming.

Elsa had a charming smile on her face, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the charity auction held by Master Bennett. The donations for the 30 collections auctioned in this auction will be used for charity. The auction price of the collection is 100,000 Euros. I hope that the collection can be increased by increasing the price, and the higher price can obtain the ownership of the collection. Thank you all guests for your support of this event."

Cynthia heard someone whispering, "I heard that Master Bennett will use the donations from this collection auction to donate to welfare homes around the world. Master Bennett was also an orphan born, and he became a teenager with his super talent for painting. Become famous, now Master Bennett is over 60 years old, and he has been passionate about charity all these years. He is really a good person."

"Who says no? Master Bennett has done more than 20 large and small charitable activities for so many years. Every donation is used for charity activities. He is really a very cultivated and noble person. We will also take a few suitable pieces, as charity."

"You are right. I am afraid of a few paintings for a while. Master Bennett's paintings are very collectible. They can be given away or kept at home for collection, and they can be regarded as charity."

The auction officially started, and the beautiful Elsa smiled formulaically, "Guests, the first collection of auctions is the painting "Hope" made by Master Bennett when he was young, and Master Bennett also relied on "Hope". "It's a new piece of art, a painting worth collecting, with a starting price of 100,000 Euros."

Most of the people present were shocked. "Hope" was painted by Master Bennett when he was 20 years old. When he was young, Master Bennett made a reputation in the industry with this work. "Hope" is a masterpiece that is very worthy of collection, and everyone present raised the number plates in their hands one after another.

In less than ten minutes, the first round of auctions ended, and "Hope" was sold at a high price of 10 million euros. Elsa said with a smile: "Congratulations to Mr. Black for taking the collection of "Hope" and contributing to charity. "

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