Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 205: "Sleeping Woman"

The second collection began to be auctioned. Elsa was holding the key press in her hand, switching the photos of the collection on the screen, and Elsa introduced the second collection.

"Dear guests, the second collection is a work in the collection of Master Bennett. The name of the collection is "Sleeping Woman". It is the work of Master Bolton in the last century. Master Bennett also discovered it by accident. This "Sleeping Woman"."

"Master Bennett recognized at a glance that this was from Master Bolton. He offered to the owner who owns the "sleeping woman" that he would buy this painting, but was rejected. In the end, the owner of the painting was rejected by Bennet. Master Te was sincere and willing to sell the "sleeping woman" to Master Bennett. This is also a painting worth collecting, with a starting price of 100,000 Euros."

Chad's body trembled a little, and he was able to see Master Bolton's paintings during his lifetime. He said excitedly: "It turned out to be from Master Bolton. Master Bolton was not very famous in the last century. Later Master Bolton His works were only known after his death. Master Bolton’s paintings are collected by major museums. The paintings of Master Bolton on the market are already expensive. Master Bennett is not only a famous painter, but also a famous painter. The appraiser of, after being appraised by Master Bennett, this must be from Master Bolton’s handwriting."

Chad's friend Calvin was also very excited. He was a crazy collector. He was already excited when he saw these masterpieces and wanted to take photos of "Sleeping Woman" immediately.

"Master Bolton's works are very collectible, and they are priceless in the market. Master Bennett is so courageous to put such a collectible painting on auction. I must take it."

Calvin made the first move. He showed his number plate and bid "1000".

Elsa has a delicate smile on her face, "Such a gentleman bid 10 million euros, is there any higher bid, 10 million euros at a time."

Chad raised the number plate in his hand. Calvin was too cunning. He took the lead to raise the card when he admired it. He saw that Calvin was bound to win. He was bound to win the card and bid "2000".

Elsa smiled more brilliantly, "This gentleman bid 20 million euros. It seems that he really likes Master Bolton's work. Thank you for your support of the charity activities. Is there any higher bid? 20 million euros a time. ."

The "sleeping woman" is being frantically "scrambled" by people at the auction. The people at the auction are all people with identities in the upper class, but now they are madly "competing" for a work, the identity they usually hold. Now I can't take care of it anymore, and I'm so blushing to fight for a painting, and I lose my identity.

Cynthia looked at the scene boredly, and the charity activities seemed to have changed. Although Master Bennett was a famous painter, she was indeed a commercial painter in her eyes. This is the reason why she dislikes the works of Master Bennett. Master Bennett is packaged too "gorgeously" and loses the original end of the painting.

She has seen the works of Master Bennett when he was young, which is completely different from the current style of painting, but because of the hands of Master Bennett, they are madly admired.

Painters are aloof. They will not paint as hard as they can because they can make money. Some painters take many years to produce a painting, but Master Bennett can produce several paintings a year. She really doesn't understand the way modern people appreciate art. Do they appreciate the art of painting? Or is it the worth of the person who appreciates painting?

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