Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 206: Superficial art!

Today's art is superficial and does not pay attention to the heart.

The works of Master Bolton were not accepted when he was alive, and they were said to be **** art. After his death, the capitalists discovered a business opportunity and endowed his paintings with connotation, saying that Master Bolton was a proud and genius painter. Until now, Master Bolton's paintings have been fired at sky-high prices, and it is the capitalists who profited in the end. If Master Bolton sees such a scene, the deceased Master Bolton does not know whether he should laugh or cry?

Simpson saw the fierce scene at the auction site. Since he didn't dabble in these things, he could only ask Cynthia, "Sister, Master Bolton's paintings are really so powerful."

Cynthia nodded calmly, and said very formulaically: "Master Bolton is a very powerful painter, and his paintings are also valuable for collection."

Looking at his sister's calm expression, Simpson knew that his sister also liked collecting paintings very much. Why was he not enthusiastic about this painting?

"Do you like younger sister? If you like your brother, I will take it and give it to you."

"No, although Master Bolton is a famous painter, his paintings are also very collectible. I want to like the paintings I collect first, not because of the value of the paintings."

Casio didn't understand Si Cincia's thoughts a bit. "Cynthia, aren't paintings all about collecting the value it brings? Why do you want to collect paintings that are not valuable?"

Cynthia's mouth was smiling, "Casio, you are right. The collection of paintings is because of its value. What do you think is this value?"

Casio explained the value he believes, "In my opinion, collecting valuable paintings can increase the value. After many years, the value of paintings will become greater and more income can be obtained. This is the collection of paintings. Value. Otherwise, if there is no collection value, there is no need to collect it, and there will be no profit."

"Casio, all the value you think can add value, but I collect it only because I like this work. It doesn’t matter whether it will bring me value or not, because I am not short of money. I only want what I want. , As long as I think it has value, everyone thinks differently."

Seeing Casio still didn’t understand what she meant, Cynthia said bluntly: “The value we see is the effect of capitalist operations. Even if something is worthless, it will have value if it is touted to a certain extent. ,Do you understand it?"

"Hahahaha, it's still my sister's transparent, as long as my sister's fancy is valuable, my sister doesn't like this work."

Casio said clearly: "All "Sleeping Women" is not really valuable. Is its value given?"

Cynthia shook his head. Although the value of "Sleeping Woman" is the value assigned by the capitalists later, the art of Master Bolton cannot be denied. It is just that the capitalists have taken a fancy to the value of Master Bolton's works, and the capitalists deliberately exaggerated the value. The value of the work has become more profit, and the value of art itself has been lost. I don't like this kind of impure work. "

Casio looked at Cynthia with admiration. Although he still didn't understand, he felt that Cynthia was amazing. Since childhood, Cynthia was the smartest and purest among his friends, so Casio deeply Was attracted by Cynthia's pure temperament.

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