Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 210: Bing Jiao!

Cynthia hung up before she finished speaking. She watched helplessly as the signal on the phone went blank again. She didn't know if the police understood what she was saying. Time was urgent and she didn't know what the gangster would do.

There was a vent in the ventilation duct for a certain distance. Cynthia carefully looked out along the vent to observe the number of gangsters distributed on this floor. There will also be ventilation ducts at the auction site. Cynthia tried all routes. A mark would be made every time a fork was reached, and she remembered the route she had just climbed in her heart, and the map of the simple exhibition of clothes appeared in Cynthia's mind.

Cynthia followed the map in her head and crawled through the ventilation ducts. If you remember right, you can go to the vents at the auction site in the past. She guessed right, this is the vents at the auction.

Cynthia carefully looked out from the vent. Everyone at the auction site was gathered together. They squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. She found Simpson and Casio in the crowd.

Lilith looked at the people gathered together, "Chad, are all the people now? Is there any slippery fish?"

Chad’s tone is very relaxed, and the inside and outside of the exhibition are in their hands, "Boss, don't worry, we have searched the exhibition many times inside and outside, and most of the wealthy people are here. While participating in the auction, the people on the exhibition side are all security guards. They have been subdued, and the disobedient have been straight." Chad wiped his neck.

Lilith looked at Chad with satisfaction, "Chad, you did a good job this time, I will report to the boss and give you more rewards."

Chad's voice sounded very excited, but his eyes flashed hard to detect, "Thank you, boss for your help."

"Chad, this is what you deserve." Lilith sneered. She hated smart people the most, Chad, it depends on whether you have the ability to leave alive.

Chad has always hated that his boss is a woman, and he is still a crazy woman. Everyone is rumoring that Lilith seduce the boss to sit in today’s position. There is a hierarchy within their killers, because Lilith is more advanced He is tall, he can only hear Lilith's arrangement, he has long wanted to replace Lilith's position.

Lilith picked up the microphone that fell on the ground. She looked at her watch for a long time. "Dear guests, welcome to me and say something for you to answer the game session. For the person who answered correctly, congratulations on keeping it for the time being. For your own life, the person who answered the wrong question, I'm sorry your head may bloom, hahahaha!!!" Lilith's voice sounded very happy, as if they were really playing a game.

Simpson glanced carefully in the crowd. He was really a lunatic, why not go to the mental hospital and go mad. This woman is crazier than the people in the Ziglu Dungeon. Simpson has been to the Ziglu Dungeon several times. Because of the long-term imprisonment, the people inside are completely distorted. They often laugh wildly and do some unthinkable things. He hates them most. Deal with these lunatics.

Lilith happily clicked on the number of hostages, "1, 2, 3, 4,... there are 38 players in total, great! The number is just right. I was just afraid that there are too few people, not enough for me to play. The wheel is dead, hahahaha!!!"

Lilith sat in a position like a queen, she ordered Chad, "Now for the first round of the game, Chad, you go and tie someone up to me at will."

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