Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 211: Perverted game!

The guests gathered together were afraid that they would be picked. They hugged their heads and buried their bodies, praying in their hearts not to be themselves. Chad went to the hostages and pointed to the injured Elsa, "It's her boss, it looks like she won't live long."

Elsa's exquisite makeup has been crying, she doesn't have the **** and calmness of the past, she just wants to live now, Elsa cried and begged Chad for mercy, "Please, let me go! I'm just the host, I Give you all the money and let me go."

Elsa is worthy of being a beautiful woman, she was so touching when she cried, and Chad took a deep breath, "It smells so good! As expected of a famous beautiful host, I can't bear it anymore."

Faced with Chad who suddenly approached, Elsa turned her body sideways in resistance. What is this pervert doing? Charlie was irritated by Elsa's actions, and he dragged Elsa's body to Lilith's side.

"Boss, I brought people."

Lilith looked condescendingly at Elsa who was lying on the ground, and said distressedly: "Ah, so pitiful!" She frowned and looked at Chad with a little angrily, "Chad, can you be gentle with the lady? How can you drag people up!"

Seeing Lilith's anger, Chad slapped himself immediately, "Sorry, boss, I was too violent."

With a crazy smile at the corner of Lilith's mouth, how could she be so grossly insulting to the lady? Lilith raised her leg and stepped on Elsa's injured finger, grinding it fiercely on the ground, blood seeping from the sole of the shoe.

Lilith looked at Chad with a smile, "Chad, treat ladies as a gentleman, have you learned like I did?"

Chad didn't expect Lilith to be so vicious. He was slightly flustered when he looked at him. He didn't dare to look at this crazy woman, "Boss... I know what to do in the future."

Elsa screamed in pain. She really couldn't stand it, crying and begging for mercy: "Ah ah ah!!! Please let me go! I have a lot of money, as long as you let me go, I will For you guys."

Lilith said happily: "Hey, why don't you have money? So I can add! Heaviness! Strength! Qi! I didn't use all my strength for this."

Lilith's feet pressed harder, she stepped hard, and Elsa's painful screams resounded throughout the auction scene.

"Hahahaha, it's so fun, that's how it feels, scream painfully! I like it!!!"

The imprisoned hostage heard Elsa's voice and covered his ears in fear. These gangsters were too cruel and completely inhuman.

Lilith looked at Elsa who was about to faint with cold eyes, "Give you a piece of advice, I hate rich people the most, my pleasure is to torture rich people, Miss Elsa is sorry, since you are rich Then you go to die!"

Elsa begged for mercy weakly, she didn't want to die yet, "Don't... kill me, I... I really have no money, I lied to you."

"It's too late, Miss Elsa, I can't bear to watch you so much pain."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lilith shot Elsa to death in cold blood, blood was splashed everywhere, she looked at the other hostages with a smile, "Who is the next cutie? I look forward to it!!!"

Chad knew that Lilith was abnormal, but he didn't expect her to be so cruel. Although the killer was cold-blooded and cruel, he had a bottom line to be a man and would not deliberately torture the enemy. All the pain was solved with one shot. Lilith is a crazy woman, he must be careful or he will die if caught.

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