Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 212: Mysterious boss!

The cruel game is still going on, and people at the auction site are very afraid that the next one will be themselves when they see Elsa's tragic ending.

Lilith looked at the hostage who was sobbing. She liked to see the fearful expressions of the crowd. Their expressions made her soul excited, and the smile on Lilith's mouth cracked even more.

She raised her hands up and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hahahaha, I really like your fearful expressions now. The way you usually look high is simply disgusting, tusk! tusk! tusk! Take a look at your cowardly looks now, How beautiful!!!"

Lilith said with excitement, "Chad, go and tie me a hostage. I haven't played enough games yet."

Because of Lilith’s words, the whimper of the crowd became obvious. Seeing Elsa’s end, he knew what the consequences would be if he was tied up. The hostages could not stand the torture. The man suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. When the man grabbed the doorknob, there was a bang, and blood was splashing everywhere.

Lilith's muzzle was hot because of the friction of the bullet, and she warned everyone present in a cold tone.

"This is the end of the escape. You really can leave. Hahahaha, it's just a dream. The hostages in my hand are not alive yet. You will all have to die after I get what I want. If you want to die, just run away. , It depends on whether you run fast or my bullet is fast. If you are interested, please be patient. Why do you want to play the game one by one, don't affect my mood, or I will shoot you immediately."

Lilith’s character is severely anti-social, she hates celebrities and nobles extremely, torturing them is Lilith’s only interest, she likes to face the painful cry of human beings when they die. It’s so wonderful, like playing a symphony. The same.

Chad didn't dare to disobey the order of the madman. He immediately went to the crowd and caught a fat man. The man's name was Downey. He was a banker and was very famous in the upper class.

At this time, Downey was crying like a child with fear and pain. He was very afraid and regretful. Today's invitation to participate in the exhibition of Master Bennett was the worst investment he had ever made in his life.

Chad frowned and looked at the fat Downey, "Just you, don't blame me, who told you to be so fat, you can see you at the first glance in the crowd, it's your luck."

Downey showed the capitalist's face to the full. He took off the watch from his hand and handed it to Chad flatteringly.

"This is an out-of-print Rolex. This version of Rolex has a total of 5 speeds. This is one of them. The remaining 4 speeds are distributed all over the world, and there is another piece in the British royal family. I will give this to you, please. Let me go for now."

Chad picked up the watch, and it turned out to be a good thing. These hostages are either rich or expensive. The purpose of the boss asking them to surround the exhibition is for the works of Master Bolton. They were divided into two teams, one team controlled the hostages, and the other team went to find Master Bolton’s work "The Sleeping Woman".

His boss is very mysterious. He has never seen the true appearance of his boss. Every time he issues an order, he is released through remote video. Few people know about the secret painting exhibition held by Master Bennett. society.

His boss is also one of the invitees, so he is so clear about the specific situation of the event, because it is a private exhibition that their bodyguards are not allowed to enter, so they can surround this place so easily.

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