Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 213: The winter of that year!

Chad saw that Downey was so acquainted and let him go. Anyway, when they left, these hostages would die. Chad squeezed the watch in his hand and said, "For the sake of you being so obedient, I will let him go for the time being. you."

Downey was very excited when he heard that he could escape the disaster, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Lilith saw Downey whispering to the hostage, and said angrily: "Damn it, Chad, what are you doing, it took you so long to tie this person."

Hearing Lilith's angry voice, Chad hurriedly grabbed the woman at random, "Boss, right now, I will tie someone for you."

Casio saw his mother being pressed up with a gun by a man named Chad. He anxiously wanted to stand up, but Simpson stopped him, "Idiot, calm down, they have guns in their hands. They can't act rashly now."

"I can't calm down. The person who was caught is my mother. I'm going to save her." Casio broke free of Simpson's restraint.

Simpson was shocked to see this idiot running to his mother without hesitation. Before death, he finally chose his relatives. His impression of Casio suddenly changed. Although this person was a little stupid, and trembling with fear just now, he didn't hesitate to rush toward the danger when he saw his relatives encounter danger. Few people do this now.

Casio ran over and hugged her mother, not allowing Chad to take her mother away. Facing the person who appeared suddenly, Chad pointed a gun at Casio, "Huh, there is also a man who died by himself."

Joyce saw her son suddenly rushing over, and her heart was very flustered. Now what matters to her is to save her life. Joyce hugs her son, "Casio, my dear son, why are you so stupid, mother? Don't be afraid. Mom hopes you are fine."

Casio shook his head stubbornly. Even if he was very scared, he couldn't watch his mother die in front of him. He cried and said, "No, mother, I can't put you in danger alone."

Chad looked at the emotional drama of mother and son in front of him. He is an orphan and has been wandering since he can remember. He has never felt the warmth of family. He used to wish he could have a warm home, but he had no parents when he was born. It was the stray orphans older than him who had been feeding him so that he could survive. He would always remember that cold night.

The winter of that year was extremely cold, and many wanderers froze to death. His big boy Eden has been taking care of him. He has been begging from day to night, and he can be happy for a long time, even as a charity of cold bread. Food They can survive a cold night again.

At that time, Chad was 5 years old and Eden was 12 years old. Since Chad remembered, he had followed Eden to beg. It was Eden who used the food and clothing to feed him.

Their home is a house made of waste cardboard. There are a lot of old and blackened clothes in the cardboard. Although it smells a little bit unpleasant, it can make them survive one cold night after another. During the day, Eden took Chad out to beg, and at night he returned to the cardboard house to sleep.

Eden counts as the older of the homeless orphans, and many homeless children make Eden give up taking care of him. Because he was a burden at the time. He was so young and couldn’t ask for money. He was always dragging Eden. He was very disgusted with himself at the time. He was weak and incompetent. Without Eden, he would freeze to death in that cold winter. late.

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