Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 214: Good Eden!

The money and food that Eden wanted was replaced by food and half of him was needed. Chad was very afraid that Eden would abandon him. As other children said, he was Eden’s burden. He always Hiding behind Eden in fear, holding his clothes stubbornly, Eden would always comfort him gently at this time.

"Little Chad, I picked you up from the trash. You are my family. I will not abandon you. As long as I have food, I won’t lose you. I still want to watch you grow. It's big."

Eden touched the woody Chad, looked at the heavy snow outside the cardboard house, and said with a smile: "This winter seems to be very long. When spring arrives, we will move and find a warm place so that next winter will be It won't be so difficult."

Chad watched the heavy snow flying outside the cardboard room, praying in his heart that spring would come soon so that they could move to a warm home. One day Eden took Chad out to beg as usual, because the weather was so bad, there were few pedestrians outside, and two or three people passed by them in the morning.

Looking at the empty boxes used for begging, Eden was still very cheerful and said: "Little Chad, we changed places to beg in the afternoon. It was too cold today and there were not many people going out. We went to try our luck near the mall in the afternoon. Christmas is approaching, and there must be a lot of people going to the mall."

Chad nodded timidly. He looked at Eden who was happy. Why can he always be so optimistic? Eden had never told him about his previous events. Once he accidentally saw Eden's body full of traces of being beaten with a whip. He was shocked at that time, who was so cruel.

Chad asked how Eden's injury came from, Eden's eyes became a little avoidant, and he didn't want to think of the past.

Later, he asked other homeless orphans about Eden's past. They told Chad that Eden used to live in a very happy family, and everything has changed since Eden's mother died. His father married a stepmother, and the stepmother was very gentle on the surface, but she was a pervert behind her back.

Every time Eden's father left the house, Eden's stepmother began torturing him, beating Eden with a whip. Eden originally wanted to tell his father about the abuse of his stepmother, but the stepmother threatened Eden. As long as he told the incident, the stepmother would kill his father. Later, Eden really couldn't stand the abuse of his stepmother, and he ran away with scars.

Chad asked the wandering orphan why he knew what happened to Eden so clearly. The wandering orphan told him that it was all acting like this on TV. In fact, he didn't know how Eden's injuries came from. However, the homeless orphan said that Eden came to this neighborhood two years ago. At the time, Eden was wearing very clean clothes. When he first saw Eden, he felt that he must be born very well. The clothes of the young master are the same, Eden must have been away from home because something happened.

After Chad knew that Eden might be born into a good family, he didn't even want to let Eden go. He hoped that Eden's family would never come to him, otherwise he would become alone again. Chad knew that he was very selfish. He was abandoned as an orphan right after he was born. He didn't know who his parents were, and he didn't want to know who their parents were. He only has Eden's family now, and he doesn't want to lose Eden.

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