Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 220: Old friend!

Ed told the three of them about the seriousness of the action, and Angel looked at the boss, "How is the situation at the scene? Did the gangster ask for it?"

Ed’s face was gloomy. It was because the gangsters didn’t ask for it, this case was so difficult to handle. “The command of the operation this time is my old friend Lister. I don’t have many clues. specific situation."

Rist saw a few people getting out of the car, and his gloomy face was stained with a smile. It was his good brothers Ed and Yalman. The three of them came from the same college. They were very emotional when they were studying. Well, after graduating from the police academy, they were assigned to different jurisdictions, because they were busy investigating cases, and the connection between them became much less. As long as they met, the memory of their youth was just like yesterday.

Riester walked over and hugged Ed and Yalman. "Brothers, long time no see."

Yalman said to Lister: "Liste, it's been a long time since I saw you. I came here after receiving the commissioner's assignment. This is Andrew, my good partner, and we will support this operation together."

Riester was very touched. First, the old friends who had not seen each other for many years were able to meet, but the support from everyone in this operation. "Thank you, the Newbet Police Department will not forget the help of your colleagues. Let me tell you something in the future. , Our police station will do our best to help."

Ed looked up and down a capable Riester, "Ristor, I haven't seen you for so many years, you guys are doing well!"

Rist didn’t care about Ed’s humorous eyes. He knew Ed was not malicious. The corners of his mouth were filled with joy that he hadn’t seen for many years. "Ed, weren’t you this big fat man when you were in school? Why did you lose so much suddenly? Come to work very hard."

"Don't tell me, since I graduated and entered our jurisdiction, I stayed up every day and I naturally lost weight." Ed pointed to the three people behind him and said to Lister: "I brought these three to support you, brother and I. Interesting enough!"

Dean, Angel, and Jokley are used to Captain Ed at will, but they can't shame Captain Ed in front of outsiders. Angel introduced himself very confidently, with a calm smile on his face.

"Sir, hello, my name is Angel. I have been working for 6 years. I have followed Captain Ed to uncover a lot of answers with the skills of pre-reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance. I hope it will be helpful to this operation."

Jokley seemed to be much colder, he introduced himself simply and clearly, "Sir, hello, this is Jokley."

Finally, Dean was introduced. With a shy smile, he looked like a big sunny boy. He nodded politely to Lister. "Sir, Hello, I’m Dean. I’m currently following Ed. The captain learns."

Riester smiled and nodded to them. It was Miranda running over and interrupting their recollection. She handed over the interior design drawings to Riester, "Captain Riester, I have obtained the interior design drawings for the exhibition."

Riester tiled the interior design drawings of the exhibition on the front cover of the police car. The exhibition building is a semi-circular arc-shaped building with a sense of technology. The interior building has 3 floors. He first marked the entrance and exit of the exhibition with a red pen. There are only 4 entrances and exits. The entrances are now locked from the inside and cannot enter or exit. This is a planned and premeditated hijacking case.

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