Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 221: Exchange the situation!

Lister told Ed and them what he had at present, "There are only 4 entrances to the painting exhibition. As long as they are close to the exhibition building, the signal will be blocked. The informant provided few clues. There were more than 30 guests participating in the exhibition being held hostage. ."

Miranda put the computer on the car cover, and the data in her told Lister, "Captain, according to the mobile phone number, we already have the specific information of the person who handled the case."

Inspector Ed and Yalman were very familiar with the girls on the computer. They looked at the photos displayed on the computer in shock, and said in unison: "Little Princess Cynthia of the Kelton family!!!"

Rist frowned and looked at Inspector Ed and Yalman, "Do you know this reporter?"

Yalman recalled the first meeting with the girl a few months ago, “This reporter was kidnapped at the IMAGE bar a few months ago. She was not the target of the gangster, but she stood up as a hostage. Let the other hostages in the IMAGE bar escape smoothly. She is a very decisive, responsible, calm and smart girl. I am very impressed by her."

Ed, who was beside Yalman, asked suspiciously: "Ed, do you also know Miss Cynthia?"

Ed nodded and glanced at the people behind him, "It's not just me, but Dean, Angel, and Jokley also know this Miss Cynthia. It wasn't that a student was kidnapped at Collohol College more than a month ago. What happened? The victim was recorded and posted on the Internet by the gangsters. The impact was very serious in the college. During that time, the students of Kolohol College did not dare to go out alone, and the victim was a friend of Cynthia."

"You two are saying that the two cases in your jurisdiction are related to this reporter?" Rist couldn't help but become suspicious. How could it be such a coincidence that this girl has experienced so many cases in less than half a year. This frequency is a bit high. ! ! !

Ed looked at Lister’s expression and knew that he had misunderstood him, "Ristor is not what you think. Cynthia can’t have a problem. She... the kidnapping case a month ago was saved thanks to her help. ."

Angel next to Ed said: "Some things are just such a coincidence. Since the reporter is Miss Cynthia, can you contact her again?"

Rist’s expression was gloomy. It was too coincidental. He was starting to conspiracy theories. He just thought that this girl named Cynthia had a problem. "The signal inside the exhibition was blocked. We contacted many times, but they couldn’t get through. ."

This action can’t be missed. Rist looked at everyone with serious eyes, “My people have already surrounded the inside and outside of the exhibition building. The gangsters can only negotiate with us. They don’t have a third day. select."

In the exhibition, Cynthia observed that Lilith had been on guard since receiving a call. Lilith retracted the gun pointed at Casio. She whispered to Chad, “Chad, the time calculation is wrong, the mouse has appeared. , The boss ordered us to find things and leave immediately."

Aware of the danger, Chad immediately contacted a small team with a serious expression. "A small team has not found anything. The mouse has already appeared. If they find something, they will come together at the auction venue.

"Deputy Captain Chad, we have cracked the code of the safe, and now Lika is back."

"Good job, you act quickly this time, I will report to the boss."

The tone on the phone was very excited, "Thank you, deputy captain."

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