Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 223: Crazy woman!

An excited smile appeared at the corner of Lilith's mouth. She was wet all over, and her body was shaking with excitement. It had been a long time since no one was able to arouse her interest. "Fish caught, I found you."

Lilith trembled with excitement all over, she said to Chad, "Chad, you leave with your things immediately, and I will come back when I solve Xiaoyu."

Chad didn't know what Lilith was thinking about again, "Captain, what about these hostages?"

"Don't worry about them. You **** the boss to leave first. With such a dynamic explosion, you think the police outside are vegetarian? Follow plan C and leave immediately without staying. You will be punished if you lose your things."

Chad stood there watching Lilith ran out of the auction with a gun. He picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Listen, everyone, the situation has changed, implement Plan C, leave immediately, don't stay."

Lilith was walking through the aisle, her mouth with a dangerous smile, and her voice sounded like a neurotic, "The fish caught in the net, I'm here for you, hahahaha!!! Don't run anymore, I know you are. where."

Lilith picked up the gun and fired frantically towards the ceiling, with a very lively tone, "I said, why didn't you find the fish caught in the net, you are a bit naughty, and you ran into the ventilation duct." Her voice suddenly became sullen. "The disobedient kid, then go to hell!!!"

At this moment, Cynthia knew that Lilith had found herself, and she immediately crawled out of the ventilation duct. She couldn't use a normal death to guess the thinking of a madman. Cynthia knew that Lilith would go crazy and come to her.

Sure enough, she was right. The mad woman was shooting the ceiling with a machine gun frantically, and a chill came to her heart. If she was still hiding on it, her body had been pierced by countless cold bullets.

She can only spend time with Lilith slowly now. How can her lady's pistol be comparable to a machine gun that fires dozens of bullets in an instant?

Lilith was the person in charge of this operation. She sat on a chair, her voice with a wicked smile, "Chad, you guys go and gather all the hostages for me, the game will be fun."

Chad's voice sounded very excited. He knew that the boss was going to have fun again, "Yes, boss."

Simpson saw that there was no signal cell on the cell phone. The group of gangsters were well prepared. They had already installed shielded equipment on the scene. Now the door has been closed. I don’t know how Cynthia’s situation is. Simpson’s eyes have changed. Vicious, if Cynthia was injured a little, he would never let this group of people go.

Cynthia saw that there was no message sent on the phone. The signal was blocked. Simpson and Casio are now trapped inside. They don’t know what’s going on inside. The gangsters have been patrolling like this. Cynthia is careful in the opposite direction. When she walked, the whole building was controlled by their people. Every time she reached an exit, someone was guarding it.

Cynthia has the habit of carrying a pistol with her. She took out the pistol from her waist and looked around vigilantly. It was impossible to get out. All the exits were guarded. The criminals were holding large sniper rifles. She had no chance to escape. She had to find a way to call the police.

Cynthia observed the ventilation duct on the top of the wall, and the only way now was to climb up. Into the ventilation duct, because no one has cleaned it for years,

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