Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 224: The caught fish!

This voice is Lilith! ! ! Why did she take off her headgear, so sure that she could kill her? Cynthia looked at the mad woman in front of her guardedly.

Lilith has killed many people. Faced with the threat of death, she will look at her in fear and beg her for mercy. Lilith enjoys this process, but there is no fear in the eyes of the girl in front of her, and the game becomes interesting!

Lilith raised her chin with her fingertips, and said contemptuously: "What is your name, the fish caught? Are you not afraid of me?"

Cynthia looked at Lilith indifferently with no waves in her eyes. She knew the psychology of bloodthirsty and perverted people. They liked to see people looking at her in horror to satisfy their perverted psychology. Cynthia looked at Lilith calmly. , "Why should I be afraid? You won't kill me if you beg for mercy?"

"Don't be afraid of me, why did you avoid me just now? You are still afraid of me, but you look calm on the surface. Am I right, the fish caught." Lilith's voice was bewildered, the best way to defeat a person , Is to crush her heart first.

Cynthia turned her eyes away, and the sound of the explosion made the police outside must be alert. It was only a matter of time before she broke through the line of defense. She was still staying at this time. Why was this happening? It’s still a mad woman who is very confident that she can escape from the police. This mad woman doesn’t seem to want to kill her immediately, but teases her like a cat. Her proud blood does not allow such insults, Cynthia said indifferently. : "If you want to kill, please hurry up, otherwise the police will come and you will have no chance."

"You are the first person who didn't beg for mercy and wanted me to kill myself. The fish caught, I changed my mind." Lilith knocked Cynthia fainted with her backhand. She noticed the sound of footsteps approaching and watched vigilantly. Where the sound is made, "Does the mouse come very fast? I underestimate you."

Lilith lifted Cynthia up. There were not only four exits here, but also a secret exit route that only those who designed the art exhibition knew. Lilith placed the bomb and left the art exhibition scene briskly. After she had gotten in the car, the building behind her exploded with a bang, and Lilith's mouth had a satisfied smile, and the show had just begun.

After Cynthia woke up, she was in a warm and clean room. The clothes on her body had been changed. She was wearing a white cotton and linen skirt. She was still a little dizzy on her forehead when she woke up. Didn't she encounter an attack at the exhibition? Lilith didn't know what happened after knocking her out. Could it be that she was saved?

Cynthia got up and came to the window. She looked at the scene before her in shock. There was no familiar snow but warm sunshine outside. It's too abnormal. It doesn't seem to be a Mirsey here. The winter of Mirsey is very long. Although it is now in March, the snow will not melt so quickly. Cynthia realized that he seemed to be taken elsewhere.

Cynthia shook the door of the room vigorously. The door was locked and could not be opened from the inside. Cynthia frowned and looked at the locked door, where did the mad woman take her.

The windows and door were locked, Cynthia picked up the chair beside her and slammed it against the glass window. The chair was broken but the glass window was not cracked at all. Her hands trembled slightly, and her pupils dilated to watch what was happening in front of her. Unknown things make her irritable, and she doesn't like a life not controlled by herself.

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