Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 233: laboratory!

Cynthia knew what the man wanted to do next. The look in the man’s eyes made her very uncomfortable. When Lun approached her, Cynthia suddenly jumped behind Lun, kicked him violently, and did not stand. The steady Lun fell to the ground, Cynthia didn't give Lun a chance to fight back, bent his knees on Lun's back, raised his fist and hit Lun's head with a ring.

Lun struggled desperately to get rid of the restraint. Cynthia didn't give him a chance, and kept slamming Lun on the head fiercely. Cynthia looked at Lun with sullen eyes. She would not let him live if she wanted to bully her. By the chance, Lun gradually lost the strength to resist, and blood flowed from Lun's forehead. Cynthia approached Lun and said coldly: "Don't underestimate someone who is weaker than you, because you will die in her hands. Don't be a man in your next life, because you are not worthy."

Lun had no strength to speak. The girl in front of him was even more terrifying than death. At this moment, he understood that he would really die at the hands of the girl. Lun had a strong desire to live and begged Cynthia for mercy. The voice was already very weak, "Please... please, let me go..., I... never dare anymore."

Cynthia’s hand slowly stopped. Just when Lun thought the girl was going to let him go, Cynthia indifferently pressed the button on the ring. A very sharp knife appeared on the ring. She used the knife to quickly Cut Lun's neck, Cynthia got up and looked at Lun's twitching body coldly. There is only one dead end for those who want to covet her.

Lun's body twitched for a few times and then he was quiet. The blood ran through the room. Cynthia glanced at the corpse indifferently and left the room, locked the door, because no one would find the corpse for a while. She didn't know where she was being held, she was very cautious without taking a step, and she would avoid any place where there is a monitor.

Cynthia came to the bottom of a floor plan. The place where she had just been imprisoned should be in the basement. When she was studying how to leave, she heard the voice of someone talking. She hurriedly hid in a door and whispered. Closed the door. There are a lot of test tubes for experiments in the room. The test tubes are filled with unknown chemical liquids. The glass bottles on the shelves are filled with the carcasses of various animals. The whole room is filled with a cold and strange atmosphere.

Cynthia guessed that this was a place like a hospital, and found the white coat and mask worn by the doctor from the cabinet. She put the clothes on her body and covered her face with a mask. After Cynthia was done, she heard the sound of opening the door, and she ducked behind the cabinet. A few people in white coats who looked like doctors were greeted outside. Her decision was correct and she changed into the same clothes as them.

The few people started to get busy after they came in, and Cynthia cautiously came out of the cabinet. Just when she wanted to leave the room, she was stopped by a suspicious voice.

"Who are you? How did you appear in the laboratory?"

Cynthia froze in place, but was discovered badly. Now there are four people in the room. She was calculating how to escape. Cynthia turned and looked at the crowd indifferently. One of the four was very old, with gray hair. The other three people will all look young. If they call people, she can only solve them all.

The woman’s voice sounded a little unhappy, “Why don’t you speak? Why did you enter Professor Rupert’s laboratory privately, don’t you know that no one can enter this laboratory?”

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