Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 234: Miles!

It was this woman's voice that stopped her just now. Seeing that they didn't want to call someone, Cynthia said apologetically: "Sorry! I went to the wrong room. I didn't enter here on purpose. I will leave immediately. "

The woman reluctantly said: "Oh? Going to the wrong place, haven't you seen the notice written at the door that no idlers are allowed in? I think you came in deliberately, trying to steal the results of Professor Rupert's experiment."

Troy frowned and looked at the reluctant Linda. This woman joined Professor Rupert’s group on the basis of a relationship. She often cashed out in front of the professor, “Linda is enough, what evidence do you have to prove that others are here to steal Professor Rupert’s experiment Results? Now the experiment has just begun, what can be stolen?"

Linda looked at Troy angrily. Professor Rupert hadn’t said anything about her. When was the kid’s turn to point me at me, "Troy, why are you helping outsiders and not helping me? Are you in a group with this girl, otherwise she How can it be possible to enter the Krawy Experimental Building?"

Troy was annoyed, "You... Linda, don't be too much!!!"

Miles, who had been quiet, suddenly said calmly: "Sorry! Professor Rupert, this girl is my sister."

Troy looked at Miles in shock. Miles is a person who doesn’t like to talk, but he is very much loved by Professor Rupert. He joined Professor Rupert’s experimental group at the age of 22 and also played an important role. He can't be jealous of a good person.

Because Miles is a genius, people will not be jealous of geniuses, but will hate people similar to themselves.

He can be jealous of Linda, this woman has a very good family and allows her to enter the experimental group. But he couldn't be jealous of Miles' talent, because geniuses are shining people, and he was the one who Professor Rupert actively invited to join the experimental group.

Ordinary people like him are almost 40 years old. They have submitted countless application reports and wanted to join Professor Rupert's experimental group. After countless rejections, they finally joined. There is a kind of existence that makes ordinary people unable to be jealous.

"What!! Miles, why didn't you say it earlier, where did Linda go crazy."

Although he was talking about Miles, his eyes were on Linda. This girl was Miles’ sister, but she said she came to the laboratory to steal something. Professor Rupert valued Miles very much and would definitely blame Lin. Up.

Sure enough, he was right. Professor Rupert frowned and looked at Linda, "Since it’s Miles’s sister, let’s end this matter! Linda, you have to figure out the situation next time and don’t wrong others casually. ."

Linda stared at Troy with a sullen expression and made her ashamed in front of Professor Rupert. You kid be careful not to let me take the handle, or you will suffer.

Linda knew that it was not a wise decision to provoke Professor Rupert. She finally entered the experimental group and could only endure the complaint. "Sorry, Professor Rupert, I won't be so reckless next time."

Cynthia looked at Miles suspiciously, why would this person help her? Or is it another purpose?

Miles came to Cynthia, "Stay in the lab and don't run around. I'll be off work after a while. I'll take you away."

Cynthia lowered her voice and looked at the teenager who was not much older than her, "Why are you helping me? What is your purpose?"

Miles looked uncomfortable with a smile in his eyes. His voice was threatening, "Little guy, stay here patiently. You can't get out without a document. If you want to leave, just listen to me."

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