Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 248: phone!

Cynthia went back to the room, lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze. Miles was very kind to her. Now the ordinary life is what she longed for before, but she hasn’t found out the cause of Leon’s death. Can't let it go down.

Cynthia picked up the phone, dialed a familiar number, beep! beep! beep…….

The phone was picked up, and a familiar voice came from the receiver, "Hello! May I ask what you are?"

There was a rare smile in Cynthia's voice. She hadn't contacted Albert for a long time, "Long time no see, Albert!"

Albert's voice sounded very excited. Half a month ago, he received the news that Miss Cynthia was missing. He had never seen Lord Samuel so angry and sent someone to look for Miss Cynthia.

"Miss Cynthia!!! It's great that you are fine, where is your position now? I'll pick you up right away."

Cynthia refused to pick up Albert, "I'm in France now, Albert, don't you come to me, I still have something to do." She thought of Simpson in the exhibition, and didn't know him when the explosion happened. Didn't he escape, he asked, "Why is Simpson now? Is he injured?"

Albert's voice became hesitant, "Well... Master Simpson was imprisoned in Ziglu Dungeon by the lord."

Master Simpson took Miss Cynthia out without authorization, causing Miss Cynthia's disappearance. Lord Samuel was imprisoned in the Ziglu Dungeon, and she could not be released until Miss Cynthia was found.

Cynthia frowned. How could this be? "What? Simpson was imprisoned by his father in the Zigru Dungeon, after I disappeared?."

"Yes, Miss Cynthia."

"I see." My father angered Simpson because of her disappearance. The punishment was too serious. No, she must call her father immediately.

"Albert, I have something to do for you. I will immediately investigate the person behind the Croy Biopharmaceutical Research Center. This matter is very important and must be found out and sent to me as soon as possible. Also look into Lilith. , She is the leader of the gangster who took the hostage of the exhibition."

"Okay, Miss Cynthia, I will find out as soon as possible."

After hanging up the contact with Albert, Cynthia hesitated with her mobile phone. When she made the call, she would return to the state where she was monitored by her father before, and her father would not easily let people get out of his control.

Picked up the phone and pressed the number that I kept in mind. The waiting time was extremely long. She used a strange number to call her father. He might not answer it. Just when Cynthia was about to press the close button, the phone was in the phone. Father's voice came out, "Cynthia, is that you?"

Cynthia was silent and did not answer, and the voice on the phone became hoarse, "I know it is you, my Cynthia, I know you are not dead, there are only 3 people who know my number, so you must be Cynthia, right? ."

Samuel eagerly wanted to know who was on the phone. A large number of bombs were placed at the art exhibition by criminals. After the explosion, the exhibition building was blown to the ground. In order to destroy the evidence site, many people were directly blown to ashes.

When he knew that Cynthia was also on the exhibition, and the news of his death, the cold-blooded Samuel suddenly vomited blood and his most beloved daughter was blown to death. How could he accept this cruel fact.

Simpson was also injured by the explosion. It was because of such a useless idiot that Cynthia appeared in the exhibition. He put his son in the Zigru Dungeon and asked him to reflect on his mistakes.

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