Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 249: Forbidden!

Samuel publicized that Cynthia was missing and offered a huge reward to find the murderer. No matter who provided the clue, he would get a high reward. Samuel's eyes became more gloomy and he wanted to pay a painful price for those who hurt his family. Regret being born in this world.

The phone didn’t hang up. She knew that her father was waiting for her to speak, and she was very patient with her as she did when she was a child. Cynthia heard the sadness in her father’s voice. He might really think that he was dead, even though her feelings were still there. Indifferent, she also heard that her father still loves her.

Cynthia's voice became dry, "Father, I'm fine."

"It's really you, my daughter, it's okay if you are fine." Samuel's voice became joyful, and the ugly young master of the Kelton family would also have abnormal times. His devil was his wife, except for his wife. Daughter Cynthia, he has not known how to tell his wife and daughter about the murder these days.

"Cynthia, where are you now? I will send someone to pick you up and tell me who kidnapped you, and my father will avenge you."

Samuel's eyes became gloomy. When he thought that his daughter might be tortured these days, his aura became terrifying and his eyes became bloodthirsty.

"Father, did you put Simpson in the Zigru Dungeon?"

Cynthia directly stated the purpose of the call, if it weren't for worrying about Simpson, she would not contact her father for the time being.

Cynthia knew that he put Simpson in the Ziglu Dungeon, so someone told her about it. Someone already knew about Cynthia but didn't report it to him. Who is this person?

"Cynthia, who told you?"

Cynthia heard the slight anger in her father's tone. Albert was the power in her hand, so she was not worried about her father's investigation.

"Father, you haven't answered me whether Simpson was in your Ziglu dungeon. If so, please let him go. Simpson is not wrong. Such punishment is too serious for him."

"As your elder brother, Simpson did not protect you well, so he should be punished, and this punishment is his own. He must be responsible for what he said before he can take over my position in the future."

"Father, Simpson will be punished because I think I have an accident. Now that I am fine, please dad to deal with it lightly. He is my brother and your son."

"Cynthia, I know about this." He would consider releasing Simpson, but he still had to be punished and stayed in Winter Manor for 3 months.

Samuel turned the ring in his hand. He was too irritated at that time, and now think about the punishment for Simpson is a bit serious. This is also a good thing. It is not a good thing to sharpen Simpson's temperament. Too proud is not a good thing. Simpson is not calm enough to do things. If Cynthia is generally cautious, it is fine.

"Thank you, father." Cynthia heard her father's tone loosen, and she knew Simpson would be released.

Cynthia continued: "Father, I may not return to Milsay after a while, please don't worry about me, I am all right now."

"No! It's dangerous outside, I'll do other things for you." Samuel said strongly.

"Father, if you protect me all the time, I will never grow up. I hope you can believe me. You keep holding me by your side will only push me farther and farther." She hopes her father can understand her words. In the deep meaning, don't keep watching her, otherwise she will really run away.

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