Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 26: appointment?

Leon in the bedroom looks awkward. What if Cynthia meets someone he likes at the ball? Leon felt particularly depressed when he thought that Cynthia would be in the arms of a certain man.

Cynthia calmly looked at the book in her hand. Leon's low air pressure had already affected her reading, and she sighed helplessly.

"Did something happen to Leon? Why don't you seem very happy."

Leon did not expect that Cynthia would be aware of his depressed mood, Leon panicked, he was afraid that Cynthia would discover his careful thoughts.

"No, nothing happened."

Cynthia looked at Leon’s flushed cheeks suspiciously. His docile face is really deceptive. This face often makes Cynthia trance and always feel very familiar, "Is there anything that can’t be solved? Tell me, I can help you with ideas."

Leon's mouth was closed tightly, he dared not look at Cynthia's eyes, he was afraid that Cynthia peeped into his heart through his eyes.

Cynthia stretched out her slender hand and touched Leon's cheek, "I always feel familiar with your face. Have we seen it before?"

Leon looked at Cynthia in shock, did she remember? impossible! Charlie said that Cynthia lived with a serious illness when she was 10 years old. When she woke up, she couldn't remember many things and people, so she also forgot about the 8-year-old Carl.

Leon wanted to tell Cynthia that we met a long time ago.

The next day, Cynthia stood in front of the mirror and sorted his clothes. Leon stood by and waited. "The car is ready."

Because of the winter, Cynthia's clothes looked very warm. Leon only wore a windbreaker that looked very unwarm. Isn't he afraid of the cold? She beckoned to Karl to come over.

"There will be a blizzard outside today, don't you have warm clothes?"

Faced with Cynthia’s sudden concern, Leon seemed very happy. He had survived in a very harsh environment. He had no food to eat. He also wore very thin clothes in winter. "It's already very warm, thank you Miss for caring."

"Take me to your bedroom."

Cynthia opened Leon's wardrobe, which was basically all black, without a warm clothing.

She went back to her bedroom and found a gift box in the closet and gave it to Leon, "This was a gift to my dad last year, but I didn't give it to him because of something. I hope you don't mind."

Leon opened the gift box. It was a dark green scarf. He really liked it. He cherished the scarf in his hand as if it were a treasure. "How could you mind, thank you Miss Cynthia for the gift."

They drove to a bustling street. Because Christmas was approaching, the street was crowded with people, and Cynthia planned to buy Christmas presents for friends and family.

Leon followed behind Cynthia. He noticed a stranger walking towards them. The person who came was wearing black clothes, with his body cringed, his hands in his pockets, and a mask, he couldn't see the man's appearance. Leon has been observing the man's movements, worrying that he will be disadvantageous to Cynthia.

The man's eyes were bruised and bloodshot, and everyone around him automatically avoided him. His walking movements were very strange, and his legs were strangely bent, a bit like the zombies in the movie.

Cynthia also noticed this abnormal-looking man. Leon's breath around him became alert. He instinctively told himself that this man was dangerous. When the strange man approached Cynthia, he took out a short knife from his arms and stabbed Xin. Xiah, she flexibly avoided the knife in the man's hand, and one kicked the man's wrist sideways, and the short knife fell to the ground because of the pain.

Leon will never let go of those who hurt Cynthia. He knocked down the man who wanted to assassinate Cynthia a few times, with a cold tone like winter, "Who sent you here."

Leon pulled off the man's mask and was stunned. It was an extremely terrifying face, with atrophy of facial muscles, and his entire face was as uneven as a gully.

The corners of the man’s eyes were bloodshot and spread to the entire eyeball. There was fear in his eyes, and he kept muttering, "I want to live, I want to live."

Fearing to cause panic around him, Leon brought the mask back to its original position at the moment he lifted the opening cover.

Leon threatened the voice that only two people could hear: "Tell me who ordered you to come, or I will kill you right away."

The man's spirit was already in a trance, "Kill her, kill her, hahahaha."

The police officers on duty around ran over to find out the situation.

"I'm Police Officer Andrew. Someone just reported that there was a fight here. Fights and fights cannot occur in a public place. Please follow me to the police station."

"Hello, Officer Andrew, this is Cynthia. The man suddenly ran over and wanted to attack me with a knife. My bodyguards subdued him. Everyone around can testify for us."

Andrew took the record seriously. Today is his first day to work on this street. He does not allow any illegal activities on the street. Andrew didn't expect to meet such a cute girl. The young self seemed to fall in love with Cynthia at first sight.

The big young boy, with a very sunny smile, "God bless, how can someone like a cute girl like you have the heart to hurt you."

Leon handed the gangster he was holding to the police, and he saw the police officer named Andrew smiling at Cynthia with a diligent look. He really wanted to rush to give him a punch. Reason suppressed the impulse.

Leon looked at Andrew with a look of disgust. Andrew felt a line of sight on him. He turned around uncomfortably, but found nothing unusual.

Things come to an end.

Cynthia politely bid farewell to Officer Andrew, "Inspector Andrew, we will leave first if there is nothing."

Andrew reluctantly said goodbye.

"Let's go Leon, the police will investigate the next thing clearly,"

After Cynthia and Leon walked away, "Miss Cynthia, that man seems to have been injected with drugs. Will it be troublesome to leave him to the police?"

She also observed the strangeness of men. There were so many people on the street. Now there are no important clues from the men. Taking him away will cause unnecessary trouble. The police taking him away is the best result so far.

Cynthia looked at Leon with a smile, "It's okay, we don't need to care about this matter."

Leon was very frustrated, Cynthia seemed to be hiding something from him, she still didn't trust herself enough.

I bought a gift.

Cynthia took Leon to a tailor shop. The history of the shop seems to be very long. This shop is not in a bustling street, but hidden in a remote corner. Leon is very curious about how this tailor shop attracts Xin. West Asia.

Leon stood cautiously in the house and made Cynthia amused. "Leon, can you not be so serious? There is no danger here, just relax."

A lady walked out of the house. She was very happy when she saw Cynthia, "Dear sweetheart! Why are you here? Why don't you call me and tell me first."

Cynthia rushed over and hugged Evelyn enthusiastically, "Evelyn! I really miss you so much. I didn't call in advance, just to surprise you."

Ms. Evelyn looked at Leon standing behind Cynthia suspiciously, and joked, "Cynthia is your new boyfriend?"

After hearing this, Leon's pale face quickly turned red. He explained to Ms. Evelyn, "Ms. Evelyn, my name is Leon. I am Cynthia's bodyguard."

Evelyn looked like a pity, "My lovely sweetheart, when will you bring your boyfriend to see me."

Cynthia acted like a baby to Evelyn, "I don't want to find any boyfriends. Nowadays, boys are very unreliable. They are more naive than me."

Leon listened carefully to the content of their conversation. Does Miss Cynthia like mature and stable men?

Evelyn touched the tip of Cynthia's nose, what a naughty girl.

Evelyn is a famous designer, and many famous people often customize clothes here. "Evelyn, can I ask you to customize a suit for me?"

She stroked Cynthia's hair fondly, "Be polite to me again, dear sweetheart, no matter how many custom pieces you want, I will be satisfied. You will tell me the size and style you like.

"Leon, come here." Cynthia beckoned to Leon.

"Just give him a custom suit, Leon tell Evelyn the style of clothes you like." Cynthia brought Leon to Evelyn.

Leon stretched on the spot, a little at a loss, "I, I don't know what style of clothes there is."

Evelyn pulled Cynthia aside, looked back at Leon and then at Cynthia, "Honey, tell me, do you like that bodyguard named Leon?"

"Evelyn! Stop kidding, I just don't think Leon has a decent suit."

Evelyn let go of her heart, she was really afraid that Cynthia would like this boy. What a pity, from her designer's point of view, this face, this height, tusk, is really perfect.

"That's good, otherwise your stubborn father will definitely kill this young man who abducted his dear daughter."

Cynthia suddenly wanted to laugh, how could she like Leon, but is this really the case?

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