Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 27: I don't seem to love you

Evelyn looked at Leon as though she was appreciating a piece of art.

Leon has a long and slender figure and a delicate contour of his face, especially the clean eyes that make people sink. His eyes were very pure, and it was because of this that Cynthia was attracted by those eyes in the crowd and noticed Leon.

Evelyn's eyes kept looking back and forth on him, which made Leon very uncomfortable. Leon hated being looked at by unfamiliar people like this, and seemed to be peeped out of his secrets.

"What a work of art! Perfect." Evelyn exclaimed.

Leon looked at Cynthia as if asking for help, his eyes revealed pity. He was always docile in front of Cynthia, and was completely two people when performing tasks in peacetime.

Leon seems to know that Cynthia can't resist his look. Cynthia is often tempted by Leon like this. Please don't give off a seductive breath.

Cynthia sat next to her and drank tea, "Evelyn, I know you will be fascinated by seeing perfect things, but please restrain yourself a little, you will scare Leon like this."

Evelyn is a woman with elegant temperament, her every move emits an alluring taste, as long as a man sees her, she will be attracted by her.

She glanced at Cynthia ambiguously, "Jealous? Hahahaha...Dear Cynthia, please rest assured, his age is not enough to arouse my desires. I will not treat him like a simple measure."

Evelyn knew that she didn't mean that, Cynthia laughed very helplessly, "Evelyn, you made fun of me again."

Evelyn collected her things, "Well, my dear, I will return the little boyfriend to you. By the way, remember to come and pick up the clothes in a week."

Cynthia and Evelyn were chatting and spent almost two hours in the tailor's shop. When saying goodbye, "Evelyn! I'm so happy every minute and every second I spend with you."

Evelyn hugged Cynthia in her arms, "Silly boy, it's not that we will never see you again. This little shop welcomes you at any time."

Cynthia reluctantly said goodbye to Evelyn, she kissed Evelyn lightly on the cheek, "Evelyn, I really can't bear you, looking forward to seeing you next time."

Cynthia in the car looked out the window aimlessly. In recent years, Evelyn has taken great care of her and always brought gifts to see her.

Evelyn and her mother are good friends. They have known each other for many years. When she was a child, her mother told Cynthia that she knew her father because of Evelyn.

In the 1980s, my mother went to Italy from China alone to study and study Western oil painting. Because Asians are always so special in the college, her gentle temperament attracted Evelyn who pursued perfection, and finally they became friends.

At one party, Evelyn took her mother to attend a party. Father fell in love with her mother at first sight. This is how love planted seeds in his heart. He often recalled that special woman at the party, and then he began to treat his mother. They launched a fierce pursuit, and finally they fell in love, but their union was disapproved by the family. It was not until Simpson's birth that the relationship between father and grandfather eased.

Cynthia hated the **** of love, just like father to mother, she felt that she would not like anyone in her life until Leon appeared.

At the sixteenth birthday party, she found a special boy. Because of the boring banquet, she always couldn't help but observe the boy's every move. There were many handsome men at the party, and the boy stood among them very much. outstanding.

He seemed to have no companions and could only stand alone at the edge of the banquet. Despite this, many girls at the banquet gathered around him because of the delicate faces, but the teenagers indifferently refused.

The girls who were rejected by him would walk away with a look of discouragement. Cynthia wanted to know what the teenager said to them.

The second meeting was after the banquet, outside the studio, he had taken off his suit and only wore a thin white shirt. It's winter now, and squatting outside her house with so little clothes, isn't this kid cold?

He buried his head in his arms and squatted outside the house. Such a teenager reminded her of the scene of seeing Percy for the first time. His body was soaked and his body was shaking all the time. Percy hid under the garden table in fear. , It seems to be particularly afraid of people, no matter what food she uses, she can't lure Percy out. It's really a stubborn little thing.

The young man seemed surprised when he saw her, his eyes were full of panic, Cynthia thought helplessly, since he knew how to follow her here because he was afraid.

Fearing that the boy would freeze, Cynthia let a stranger into the studio for the first time. After the boy came in, he appeared very cautious, for fear that he had done something wrong to upset Cynthia.

Cynthia wondered, is he so terrible? To make him so scared, after introduction, she knew that the boy's name was originally Leon.

Because it is late at night, the intensity of the inspection of the manor will become stricter. If Leon is caught by the inspection team, he will be severely punished. Cynthia left him in the hut, and he awkwardly put firewood into the fireplace and made a laugh. Cynthia.

Leon was really cute when she was shy, she didn't know why she would observe Leon unconsciously.

The night she was kidnapped, she suddenly thought of Leon's eyes. If she died, would his clean eyes leave her tears?

Leon rushed in to protect her, and when she saw Leon again, she didn't know why she was so happy. She didn't understand whether it was the joy of the rest of her life, or the joy of seeing Leon.

She fell asleep in the car because she was too weak, but she was actually awake when Leon carried her to the bed.

She vaguely heard Leon calling North, he seemed to be leaving? Leon had been looking at her when he came back from the phone. The fool didn't realize that she was awake.

Faced with Leon’s getting closer and closer, she admitted that she was nervous, and reason made her push Leon immediately, but she was still pretending to sleep, Leon’s lips were printed on her forehead, and his lips were ice. , With a good smell, branded in Cynthia's heart.

Leon whispered three times in her ear with a farewell tone, and the tone became stronger and stronger again and again, "I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Her brain stopped working, and it was always what Leon said I love you when he said goodbye.


She stared at Leon who was driving seriously and suppressed the emotions in her heart. She understood that Leon's eyes were full of love when looking at her, but she couldn't respond to Leon. I don't seem to love you.

Professor Kaidi attended the appointment on time.

Morris's people waited downstairs in Professor Kaidi's dormitory, and Professor Kaidi, who was moving slowly, was helped into the car.

"Dear Professor Caddy, this is Great. Master Morris asked me to pick up the professor."

Professor Kaidi replied indifferently, "Let's go, my time is precious."

An awkward atmosphere filled the air. Gretel shrugged and turned around silently. Professor Caddy's character was really strange and not easy to get along with.

Half an hour later, the car drove to Morris to buy a property in the suburbs. The house was surrounded by high walls, making it impossible to see the environment inside. The wall is covered with thorny rose vines, making the owner of the house even more mysterious.

The house was surrounded by surveillance, and Grete parked the car at the gate and dialed the phone, "Master Morris, Professor Caddy has arrived."

After confirming his identity, the iron door slowly opened, and Grete drove along the road for 5 minutes before reaching the villa.

After receiving the call, Morris waited at the gate early.

He was wearing a white suit, and gracefully helped Professor Kaidi in the car to get out of the car. His smile with a proper arc made him look extraordinarily kind and gentle, "It's a great honor to see Professor Kaidi again. Is your health good recently ,."

"Morris! Your shrewd mind is in the wrong place, don't put your careful thoughts on me."

Morris didn't care about Professor Caddy's irony. He still supported Professor Caddy with a gentle smile, "The professor has watched me grow up since I was a child. How can I not know what kind of character the professor is? I have prepared dinner."

Great followed Master Morris. His young master had a really good temper. He could continue to smile and talk to the professor if he was treated so unreasonably. It is no wonder that Professor Caddy's weird character is not liked by others.

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