Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 28: Bitterness and sweetness

Back to the dormitory, Cynthia locked herself in the bedroom. It seemed that she could no longer control her emotions towards Leon. She buried her face in the quilt, desperately trying to drive Leon out of her head.

She didn't know why she cared about Evelyn's words, and she strongly denied that she liked Leon.

This feeling is very strange! Afraid that her father will blame her for liking her bodyguard? Or can't you accept the fact that you like Leon in your heart?

Since her childhood, her credo is that love is the cheapest thing in the world. She has read too many stories about rights betraying her lover, so she doesn't believe in love.

Leon knocked on the bedroom door. Miss Cynthia shut herself in the bedroom after returning from the tailor's shop, and he could feel that something was wrong with Cynthia.

"Miss Cynthia, supper is ready, need to be brought to your room?"

Cynthia seldom gets angry, she can always control her emotions, no matter how angry she is, she can smile very well.

"I don't want to eat, I want to have a quiet meeting, don't bother me."

At the age of ten, she still couldn't control her emotions well. She had a big fight with her father because of her mother, and she was punished to stay in the room for a week and could not go out. Since then, she has learned to hide her emotions.

She originally thought that she had been able to control her emotions very well. She had never lost control of her emotions in recent years. She did not expect to lose control of her emotions today because of a word from Evelyn.

Leon standing at the door was stunned. This was the first time he saw her emotionally wrong. This feeling was very special.

Because Miss Cynthia, who was born in the Kelton family, must be perfect, have no shortcomings, cannot be angry, and be noble and elegant.

Cynthia in Leon's eyes has always behaved well, like an exquisite doll.

Leon gently pushed Cynthia's bedroom away, and saw Cynthia buried her face in the quilt, her hair casually draped on the bed, Leon heard her crying softly.

Leon stood by the bed distressedly, covering his heart, his heart was pierced and hurt. Leon didn't know the reason for Cynthia's sadness, if he could replace Cynthia's pain.

Cynthia noticed the movement at the door, looked up, and looked at Leon in surprise. Why did he come in? Her eyes were red like a bunny because she had just cried, Cynthia immediately turned her head to the other side, woooo! what a shame.

"Miss Cynthia! Can you tell me what happened?" Leon asked uneasily at the door.

The fragile side was seen. Cynthia was irritable like a little cheetah trying to attack with claws. Her voice was full of anger, "Get out! Who let you in? Leon! You are becoming more and more unruly now. I'm forgotten, you're just a bodyguard!"

Facing Cynthia's sudden anger, Leon was stunned. He did not leave the room and could only stay where he was.

Leon did not move, and lowered her head. She could only see Leon's white jaw. Cynthia stepped barefoot on the floor and walked towards Leon at the door. She beat Leon's heart hard and roared angrily.

"Why did you show up in front of my eyes? Didn’t I tell you to go out? You don’t even follow my orders now? Good! Good!..., I will call North right away to inform him of the replacement, I I don't want you!"

Leon's eyes turned red, and his heart roared wildly, no! No! ...You are my life! I will die without you!

His eyes were filled with red blood from the painful memory, and the tears from the corners of his eyes rolled in his eye sockets. Leon cried, his voice sounded very humble, "Please? Stop crying, I will feel distressed, please!"

Leon growled hoarsely like a cub, and Cynthia's words just stabbed him deeply. Leon watched Cynthia looking at him with disgust. He didn't want to hear the words I hate you from Cynthia, or he would be crazy.

Cynthia looked at Leon angrily, but saw huge pain in Leon's eyes, and she gradually calmed down. Cynthia's actions made Leon's sanity slowly return, and his breath became more and more gentle, as if he was treating a treasure.

Leon held Cynthia stubbornly in his arms and didn't want to separate for a moment.

Leon's uneasy mood gradually stabilized, slowly letting go of Cynthia, the dizziness finally relieved, Cynthia breathed fresh air, after the breath calmed down, she accused Leon, "Leon, you are too presumptuous! !!!"

"Sorry! Miss Cynthia."

Cynthia's pale cheeks turned red, and she looked at Leon angrily. He stood there like a child who had made mistakes, bewildered, "Leon, you... forget it!!!"

"Sorry, I'm all to blame!!"

Leon began to panic, Cynthia looked really angry, and blamed himself for losing control and he was too heavy, leaving Cynthia a very bad memory. Leon was anxious to explain, but didn’t know what to say. .

Leon's anxious explanation was so cute, Cynthia stood on tiptoe and gently touched Leon's cheek.

Time seemed to freeze, Leon was shyly stunned in place, his pale face turned red. He looked up at Cynthia's eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up, unable to conceal the joy in his heart.

"Leon, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

If this person is Leon, Cynthia doesn't seem to be disgusted.

Leon looked at Cynthia with a hot gaze, he seemed to have been hit by the grand prize, and he was so excited that he didn't know how to speak.

Leon nodded desperately, the roots of his ears became reddish, his voice was restrained, he whispered in Cynthia's ear, "I do, Miss Cynthia, I love you!"

Cynthia looked at Leon with satisfaction, as if saying that you can hug me.

Leon held Cynthia tightly and swore to her, "My love Cynthia, my life belongs to you! I will follow you for life until death takes me away."

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