Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 260: People like ice cubes!

Lilith died, or died in the Klauy Experimental Building, did Lilith really come to save her?

The monitor on her wrist was taken down by the man in black when she was caught. Lilith can monitor her location. Could it be that Lilith was killed when she broke into the Croy Experiment Building to rescue her?

Cynthia's face became ugly. If she really died to save her, do you want her to feel guilty? Cynthia looked into Miles' eyes and confirmed again and again, "Are you sure, Lilith is really dead?"

Lilith looked at Cynthia's pale cheeks. Is this person important to her? its not right! Lilith is a cold-blooded and inhumane killer, and Cynthia is the little princess of Kelton. They can't communicate with each other logically. Is their information wrong?

"Little guy, what are you doing? Your face is ugly."

Cynthia looked at Miles indifferently, sarcastically, "You don’t need to care about Miles. Your false face makes me sick. Put away your false concern. Since you have checked me thoroughly, you should know. My relationship with Lilith."

The little guy is like a piece of ice. No matter how hot it is, even if it is heated, it will turn into steam and disappear. Miles looked at Cynthia with a bit of discomfort, although at the beginning he took the little guy with purpose Going home, but then he changed his mind.

He has lived alone for more than 20 years. For the first time he was in a hurry because of cooking. For the first time he hoped that the little guy could eat his own food happily. Miles' eyes became gloomy. Did he think too much? Sneered, looking particularly bleak.

"Little guy, I can’t help you think about it this way. From your point of view, my appearance is a mistake. You didn’t plan to live with me from the beginning. You came to my house only to investigate the SHADOW organization. In your eyes, I was a bad person from the beginning, right!"

"You..., what do you want to say?" Cynthia looked at Miles who was approaching him, leaning back.

Miles' eyes turned bleak, and he questioned: "What I want to say, I have told you everything, why do you still not believe me? I just can’t make you trust? Little guy, do you know? It’s like a block of cold ice that doesn’t heat up. Can’t you see how good I am to you?"

Seeing Miles getting closer and closer, Cynthia touched the ring on her finger with her thumb. As long as Miles did something dangerous, she would kill him unceremoniously.

Cynthia said in a cold tone: "You stop, don't come close to me, Miles, don't blame me for being impolite?"

Miles chuckled in her voice, looking very sad, "You are not polite to me? Little guy, do you know? You have never been polite to me, you have been hurting me, your indifferent eyes, Your refusal actions hurt me all the time. Do you hate me so much?"

"Yes, I hate you." Cynthia looked at Miles with cold eyes and said unceremoniously.

"But I don't hate you! Little guy, I don't know why I can't hate you. No matter what you do or say, I can't hate you. Do you think I am crazy." Miles The smile was very sad, he just wanted to express his painful feelings, and just wanted to see if this little guy had any intentions.

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