Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 261: Destroying the world is a special second thing!

Cynthia frowned and looked at Miles. This was the first time she had met such a difficult person. "Don't tell me, Miles, put away your dirty thoughts."

Miles looked sadly at Cynthia, little guy, whether you have any heart or not, I cut out my **** heart and placed it in front of her, but I was treated like this.

Miles is very unwilling now, why just refuse to accept him, he has that bad point! ! !

Miles shouted loudly: "No! But! Yes! I'm going to say. I don't know why I am like this, probably crazy! When I saw you the first time, I was moved. It’s about love at first sight. Little guy, don’t you always want to know my purpose? I’ll tell you now, I think you’ve been living with me."

This is the funniest joke Cynthia has heard for so many years. Did this strange man fall in love with her at first sight?

Cynthia is a person who eats soft but not hard, but most hates people who approach her with a purpose. Cynthia’s voice is colder than the snow in winter. She said mercilessly: "So you like me? But, I would not like a madman."

Cynthia sneered at the corner of her mouth, her eyes indifferent and terrifying, "And there are too many people who like me, so what are you? There are handsome, rich and enemy people around me, so what are you! !!!"

Only in this way can Miles' liking for her be completely shattered. She doesn't like a person who will explicitly refuse instead of consuming his love. This is the respect for each other and her principle of life.

Cynthia saw Miles' eyes drooping, and she didn't know what she was thinking, and her whole body exuded a melancholy atmosphere.

Cynthia said nonchalantly: "So, I'm sorry, I can't accept you, Miles, let someone else like it."

Miles' eyes became hollow, "Why? Little guy, I just make you unacceptable?"

Cynthia looked at Miles indifferently. This person was too paranoid and might do something dangerous. Cynthia was a little helpless at this time, why would he always meet such a person, and cause himself a troublesome person.

Miles suddenly laughed wildly, his eyes turned red, "Hahahaha, the teacher is right, this kind of world should be destroyed, and it may be more interesting to create new lives."

Miles' face became distorted, and he looked at Cynthia obsessively. Only when the world is destroyed, the little guy has no place to go and can stay by his side.

With a slap, Cynthia slapped Miles fiercely. Miles touched his sore cheek. Before he could react, he heard Cynthia say coldly: "I'm sober Is it?... Can't stand it just because a woman refuses? Just want to destroy the world? Miles, are you naive? Don't let me look down on you."

Miles touched his aching cheek and froze in place. He just seemed to be crazy and wanted to destroy the world, because of Cynthia's slap, he gradually woke up. Miles didn't know what happened to her just now, like being controlled by something, crazily trying to destroy the world.

Seeing that Miles' eyes were no longer red, and his distorted face had been restored, it seemed that Miles was already awake. Cynthia quickly confused the distance with Miles, and looked at him coldly.

Miles frowned and said uncertainly: "What did I... just say?"

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