Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 276: Alien!

Because of the appearance of Cynthia's soul, Felice's body has two souls. They alternately appear, taking the initiative of this body, and each time she faints, Felice's body becomes weaker.

When she has the initiative of the body, will Phyllis, the owner of this body, miss a memory?

What is her appearance for? A person will not suddenly appear somewhere, there must be some reason for her to go back to the time in the past, what is the connection between her and the girl who called Phyllis?

If it was a dream, it would be too real. If she got in touch with the real girl Phyllis, she would be able to determine whether this place was her dream, or her soul had really returned to the past.

After confirming the idea, she must leave Felice in some clues before the scene changes again.

The merry-go-round gradually stabilized. Lilith jumped off the merry-go-round. She walked up to Cynthia and bowed to her like a gentleman. With a happy smile on her face, she stretched out her hand and looked at Cynthia tenderly. Little princess, it is Prince Lilith that protects you today, please dismount!"

Cynthia looked at the gentle Lilith, and put on a smile unconsciously, "Thank you, Prince Lilith for your protection."

When Cynthia put her fingertips on Lilith's hands, she no longer disliked Lilith in this space. No matter what she would become in the future, those were not made by Lilith in this space.

Cynthia once read a book, which says that there are countless different paths to human destiny. At a certain point in time, a person has countless different choices. If a person chooses two different approaches, his future will change.

One line is his original destiny, and the other line, because he made different choices, forming different parallel time and space. It is possible that his original destiny in this time and space was death, but at a certain point, he made other choices, which changed the future and formed another parallel time and space.

In this world, although he is dead in the future, he is still alive in another parallel time and space world because of different choices.

The name of this book is "Parallel Space-Time Theory". This is a book that Cynthia read a long time ago. She can still clearly remember the different lines of fate of the protagonist and the changes in the world. In fact, it cannot be said that the world has changed, but because different choices have formed different time and space.

Parallel time and space overlap each other, and time and space are intertwined and connected in series. The concept conveyed by "Parallel Space-Time Theory" is that people have countless possibilities, and the established future may also change.

Can it really be changed? The fanning of the wings of a butterfly can trigger a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean. Cynthia looked at Lilith's innocent face. It would be interesting if she could really change the destiny of a person or a family.

Cynthia looked at Lilith seriously, "Lilith, can I ask you something?"

Lilith looked at Phyllis who was very serious. Her sister called her by her name for the first time. It must be a very important thing. Lilith's face became serious, "What's wrong? Phyllis, at school. Have you encountered something unhappy?"

Cynthia shook her head. She couldn't tell Lilith directly that her family would die tragically except her. The butterfly wings vibrated too much, and she was afraid that the world would directly exclude her as an alien.

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