Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 277: Mysterious game!

Cynthia smiled very mysteriously, "I thought of a very interesting game?"

"Huh? What game?" Seeing Cynthia's expression, Lilith also became interested.

Cynthia looked around and whispered: "This is a very mysterious game. Sister, make sure you don't tell other people."

Recently, Phyllis seemed to have something in her heart. She looked gloomy. Lilith was actually very anxious. She wanted to know what happened to her sister? Makes her look worried.

So today Lilith came to the amusement park to play, in order to make Felice feel better, but when she first arrived at the amusement park, Felice seemed to have no energy, and she played two amusement projects with little interest.

She saw Felice’s ice cream, which she liked very much, and ran to the row. When she bought the ice cream, she saw Felice looking around in confusion, as if she had forgotten where she was.

Lilith felt a little strange, her sister seemed to have become a little different, and she seemed more energetic. Although there were some doubts in her heart, Lilith was still very happy. What made her relieved was that her sister looked much more energetic.

No matter what game Felice wants to do, Lilith will agree without hesitation. Seeing Felice so interested, she is a little looking forward to the mysterious game Felice said.

"What game is so mysterious? Hurry up and tell me! Phyllis, you don't know that I am most interested in these mysterious games."

Cynthia looked at the expression Lilith wanted to know very much. She had to leave some information for Phyllis, the owner of the body, and she could only spread the word through Lilith. From these fragmented scenes, it can be seen that Felice's body is not very good, and she is afraid to scare Felice. What method can remind Phyllis of her own existence without frightening her.

"Well, my mystery game is actually a secret sign. Lilith, let me give you a story! If you can repeat this story to me tomorrow and guess the secret sign correctly, then you will get a secret gift."

Cynthia arranged the skirt and began to tell Lilith a story seriously:

A long time ago, there was a remote country where the king and queen were very affectionate. They had been married for 6 years, but because the queen’s health had been in poor health, they could not give birth to princes and princesses.

One day, a witch suddenly came to this country. The witch-sama told the king that her family had been favored by the queen and elders, and she had come to repay the favor.

The witch promises that the king and queen can fulfill any of their wishes, no matter what the wish is, she will make the wish come true.

This country does not exclude the queen, but treats the witch as a precious person. The king and queen were very happy, they did not expect to get the wish of the witch.

The king and queen discussed for a long time, what exactly do they want? They are not short of money. What they want most is for the queen to become healthy to give birth to a prince or princess.

The king and queen told the witch about this wish. From the witch's perspective, it was a very simple matter. She immediately promised that the king and queen could help them fulfill their wish.

The birth of a prince or princess is not an instant event. The king is a little afraid that the witch will not be able to fulfill her promise, and invites the queen to stay in the palace until the queen gives birth to the prince or princess.

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