Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 289: Black group!

Phyllis saw Cynthia hesitating, but she didn't immediately refute it. Could it be that something happened to her sister in the future! ! !

Phyllis said very seriously: "Please tell me the truth, I can bear it no matter what happens."

Cynthia did not say it bluntly, she also concealed the tragedy that would happen in the near future, "Yes, Lilith had an accident."

Feilisi's body began to tremble a little, "Impossible...impossible!!! Why would something happen to someone who is so cheerful and kind like my sister."

She looked at Felice’s sad expression. Only if the tragedy of Felice’s family was destroyed, Lilith would not become a **** and cruel person.

Phyllis, immersed in grief, heard the sound of knocking on the door, it was her mother's voice. She looked at Cynthia and said, "I changed it back, thank you for telling me this."

After Phyllis left the sea of ​​flowers, the world became quiet again. Cynthia looked at the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, her eyes dimmed, what would her destiny be like? She is a little contemptuous of self-deprecating, she can't control her own destiny, still want to participate in other people's lives?

At this time, Arthur, who was in the main **** space, was anxiously spinning around. He could feel that Lord Cynthia’s soul became very weak. If he did not interfere, Lord Cynthia’s soul would always be trapped in the chaotic memory, reality. The body of the world will also die.

Since he returned to the main **** space, he has been paying attention to Master Cynthia's progress at any time. Master Cynthia, who has lost his memory, has forgotten him, so he can't remember what happened in the world, and I don't know why the speed of the end of the world has accelerated.

Now Lord Cynthia’s soul was trapped in the past, Arthur used magic to feel the specific position of Lord Cynthia, and he opened a time gap in the main **** space, and resolutely jumped into it.

The time in the sea of ​​flowers does not seem to flow. Cynthia lay on the sea of ​​flowers and counted the white clouds floating in the sky. It suddenly happened that a black mass was falling down quickly in the sky.

The black group gleamed and landed quickly, she looked at the black group getting closer and closer in confusion, what is this?

The black ball slammed into the sea of ​​flowers, the sea of ​​flowers made a huge noise, petals were flying everywhere, and a very **** hole was smashed in the sea of ​​flowers.

Cynthia was standing on the edge of the hole in doubt, watching the dark masses inside. Could it be a meteorite?

Just as she was about to walk away, she heard a cry for help from the cave, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

She didn't hear the cry for help very clearly, and she was very cautious in the face of the unknown Cynthia.

"Who is inside?" Cynthia's voice was a little cold, she didn't know what was in the hole, and she didn't die when she fell down from such a high sky, at least not very easy to deal with.

"Master Cynthia, it's me!!! Your lord, hurry up and save me, my body can't be pulled out."

The creature in the cave even called her name. She didn't remember any dark creature she knew. Cynthia followed the **** and cautiously descended into the cave. She was surprised to see a copy of the cat's body, which had been black, was covered in the soil.

What the **** is this, you can still speak! ! !

When the black cat found her, her eyes couldn't help but surprise, "Master Cynthia, you have come to save me!!! Great!!!"

Although she was a little confused, she was not very scared. I don't know why. She felt a little intimate when she saw the black cat. Could it be that she was already delirious in this place?

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