Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 290: Talking cat!

Arthur saw Master Cynthia and looked at him suspiciously from a distance. Because he was so excited, he forgot that Master Cynthia no longer remembered himself. bad! His sudden appearance won't scare adults! ! !

Arthur looked at Master Cynthia looking at him with cold eyes, and felt very wronged. Master Cynthia really didn't remember him, so sad! so sad! So helpless!

"Master Cynthia, I... didn't mean to scare adults. Please forgive Arthur for being unreasonable this time."

Cynthia saw that the black cat looked a little aggrieved, did her eyes have hallucinations? Seeing the black cat's stupid and cute appearance, Cynthia walked helplessly beside the black cat. She squatted down and got out the black cat whose body was in the mud with her hands.

After Arthur broke free from the **** of the soil, shaking the dust on his body, he rubbed Cynthia's feet happily, and said very affectionately: "Master Cynthia, it's really great that you are fine, you don't know how worried I am. Your safety."

Because what happened at these times was too unbelievable, Cynthia was not too surprised when faced with a talking cat.

"Do you know me? Have we met before?"

"Yes, Master Cynthia! We knew each other when we were in the world, no! We met a long time ago. It's just that Master Cynthia lost his memory and forgot Arthur."

I don't know why, when she heard the name Arthur, she was a little familiar.

"Your name is Arthur? Who are you? Why did you come here."

Arthur heard Lord Cynthia’s temptation. In order to dispel Lord Cynthia’s concerns, Arthur directly expressed his position, “I am Arthur the black cat and a loyal partner of Lord Cynthia. I will never betray Lord Cynthia. "

Although she is inexplicably familiar with the name Arthur, there has never been a black cat in her memory. Is it possible that her memory is incomplete! ! !

"But I don't know you, and I don't know if you are really not hostile to me or if you deliberately lied to me."

Arthur was a little sad. When in the world, Master Cynthia finally accepted him, and Master Cynthia was a very gentle person. She just disguised herself with a cold appearance. In fact, she was gentler than anyone else.

"Master Cynthia, Arthur will never betray your lord. As long as Master Cynthia recovers his memory, he will know if what Arthur said is true or false."

really! ! ! She really lost a memory. What happened at the Christmas ball, why did a good-looking dance explode, and Leon's death, why did Leon, who was waiting for her in the dormitory, appear at the Christmas ball, she didn’t have any of these. memory.

Cynthia's eyes became dangerous, "You said I lost my memory? How did you know? Why did you approach me?"

Arthur's body began to tremble, Master Cynthia's breath was so terrible, he still liked the gentle Master Cynthia.

Arthur rubbed Cynthia's feet, "Master Cynthia, Arthur really has no malice."

Cynthia picked up the black cat who had been acting like a baby to her. In her heart, she didn't hate Arthur's acting like a baby, but she couldn't let this little thing know what she really thought.

Cynthia looked at Arthur, and said with an indifferent expression: "Tell me my missing memories, and I will trust you."

He told Master Cynthia the truth, he was afraid of being punished by Lord God, but now Master Cynthia didn't believe him at all, and Arthur was a little irritable, what should he do! ! !

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