Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 672: Inferiority Leon!

"Well, this is one of the reasons, so Leon, you must protect yourself."

Cynthia knew that Leon had always been insecure, and a big reason was because of her.

Leon was actually very happy. Cynthia would like his looks. If it weren't for this, Miss Cynthia would not have noticed him.

In his heart Cynthia is like a shining star, far away and out of reach. Leon has always humbled his birth. In fact, he is not worthy of Miss Cynthia at all.

Lord Samuel was right, he was wishful thinking.

It was Cynthia who gave him the opportunity to stand beside Miss Cynthia. He has always cherished Cynthia's love for his face, and even hoped that Miss Cynthia would like him forever.

"it is good."

Cynthia heard the humbleness in Leon's voice, but she actually hated Leon to belittle herself like this.

"Leon, you are really boring, every time you talk very short."

Hearing that Cynthia was upset, Leon immediately apologized, "Sorry! Miss Cynthia, I didn't mean it."

Cynthia was a little helpless, she stood up and held Leon’s face, "Leon, you don’t have to apologize, I’m not angry, this is just a pleasure for a couple, do you understand?"

Couple? Leon's face became better, his eyes dodge a little, obviously shy.

"I...I see, Miss Cynthia."

Cynthia kissed Leon's forehead softly, which was soothing.

"Well, if you do this again next time, I will be really angry."

"I see, Miss Cynthia."

Leon is very happy now, he is so simple, and can be happy for a long time because of Cynthia's simple sentence.

During this relationship, Leon felt very lucky to be favored by Cynthia. Because he knew that there was no shortage of handsome men around Miss Cynthia, as long as she said nothing.

He always felt that he was lucky, because meeting Miss Cynthia ran out of all his luck.

The third time I saw Miss Cynthia was when Leon was 10 years old.

In the winter a year ago, he could only survive because of Cynthia.

The money Cynthia asked the maid to give him was enough for him to survive this cold winter.

From that moment on, Leon made up his mind, and formally stood in front of Cynthia to say thanks. Without Cynthia, he would have died in the cold winter of last year.

Leon started doing odd jobs to earn money. He went to interviews in many places, but was rejected because he was too young. Leon did not give up because of this, he continued to ring the doorbell of every shop, he wanted to live decently.

What he didn't want to appear in front of Cynthia again was a downright and sloppy appearance. He didn't want to see Cynthia's disgusting eyes, he wanted to stand beside Cynthia dignified.

Although he knew these were extravagant hopes, Leon did not want to give up this extravagant hope. He wanted to see Cynthia again and asked her, do you remember the little boy in the orphanage back then?

After many hard work, finally a shop is willing to hire Leon.

He now has a job of sorting out bread racks, because every day the bread has to be new, otherwise it will be stale bread, which will reduce the customer source.

Leon’s current job is to sort out the bread on the shelves after closing the door at 11 o'clock every day, and put the fresh bread on the shelves before 8 o'clock the next day when the store has not opened.

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