Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 673: There is no sympathy in the adult world!

Because every time the shop opens at eight o'clock, the time for baking bread in the kitchen is always more than seven o'clock.

Leon has only half an hour to put all the fresh bread on the shelf, the task is heavy and the time is tight.

Although the work is very hard, Leon has at least a stable income, so Leon is very grateful to the owner of the bakery.

Many shops will not hire young children, because they know that children will not give themselves much benefit, and they are often lazy, and the set tasks cannot be completed in time.

Philip was also very hesitant when hiring Leon, because he knew that even adults would think that the job was too heavy and time consuming.

He was not sure that Leon could complete the job. In Philip's eyes, Leon looked as thin as 7 or 8 years old, but Leon assured him that he was 10 years old and could complete all the work.

After Leon's bitter pleading, Philip felt softened. He decided to hire Leon for a week. If Leon could not complete the work, he would fire Leon.

What surprised Philip was that Leon’s hands and feet were very neat, and he completed the work quickly every time. After a week of assessments, he decided to officially hire Leon.

Leon is the last one to leave the bakery every time, and he puts the unsold bread on the shelf in the basket.

Philip said that these stale breads must be disposed of and thrown away.

Philip is a person who pays great attention to the taste of bread. For overnight bread, he will not sell stale bread to customers, so stale bread must be disposed of.

Leon always regrets these processed breads. These breads can be eaten, but the taste is not as good as fresh bread.

There are regulations in the shop that these processed bread cannot be left privately, and if found, they will be expelled.

Although Leon regretted, he couldn't lose the job that he finally got for the bread.

He knows that it is not easy to find such a job.

The kind-hearted Leon prays every day that customers can sell more bread so that there is not so much leftover bread.

Leon knew what it was like to be hungry, it was very uncomfortable, his stomach was empty, nothing survived, and it was terrible when his stomach hurts.

Today is the same job content again, Leon put the bread on the shelf in the basket.

Today, because of the bad weather, there is not a lot of business in the store, and there is a lot of bread left.

Leon looked at the mountain of bread piled up in the basket. It was a pity that it was too wasteful.

Leon is still too young to know why Philip throws away these delicious breads and does not give them to homeless people nearby.

Manager Philip was not completely unsympathetic. He was able to keep Leon. Leon was really grateful for Philip's kindness.

Leon is still very simple and doesn't know. The reason why Philip left Leon is just because Leon is cheap labor.

The salary he paid to Leon was half that of the previous adult. For the same job, the salary that Philip paid to an adult and Leon was different.

In the eyes of Philip, Leon is obedient and cheap, and he does not complain about his heavy workload. This is the only reason why Philip left Leon.

There is no sympathy in the adult world, he is just taking advantage of Leon and.

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