Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 681: Time is late!

Krell handed the note to Leon, "Keep it well, you can contact me if you need it."

Leon couldn't save his face in front of Krell, so he could only accept it, "Okay, thank you Mr. Krell."

Leon's eyes noticed some tattered clocks on the cabinet, and his eyes dimmed slightly. It was almost 10 o'clock now, and it was already in no rush to organize the bread rack.

Leon is a little worried that Manager Philip will fire him, but Manager Philip is so good, as long as he explains well, Manager Philip should forgive him.

Mr. Creel's fever has gone away, and Leon is now going to apologize to Manager Philip, which was originally his fault.

"Mr. Krell, I...need to go out, I promise, I will go early and return early."

Creel looked at Leon's fear of himself, and threatened him with a gun yesterday. He should have frightened him. Now he is so cautious and afraid.

Thinking of this, Krell feels a little sorry, Leon is just an ordinary poor boy, how can he not be afraid of threats, he made up his mind to leave a large sum of money for Leon when he leaves, so that his future life can be better. .

"Leon, you go, don't tell me specifically."


Today's Krell is much gentler, not as vicious as it seemed yesterday, Leon guessed that this might be because she saved Krell.

Kindness can still change people.

Leaving the small basement, Leon chose to take the bus, which would be much faster.

After half an hour, Leon came to the bakery. He stood at the door of the bakery. He did not go in for a long time. Because he knew it was his own problem, Leon was a little worried that Manager Philip was angry.


The waiter Tucker saw Leon hovering outside the door. At this time, Manager Philip should be in the office. He had never seen such an angry Manager Philip this morning.

Because they don't have Leon's phone, they don't know what happened to Leon. Leon has never been late for more than a month. I don't know why he didn't come this time.

Tucker beckoned carefully to Leon and whispered: "Leon, where did you go this morning? Why did you come now?"

He couldn't tell others about Krell, "I have something of my own personal matter, and I forgot to ask for leave yesterday."

"Leon, this is your fault. How can you just not come without asking for leave? This is a credibility issue. Could it be that Manager Philip would have such a bad temper."

Leon frowned, he became even more uncertain, "Manager Philip is angry?"

"Yes, I haven't put such an angry Manager Philip. The bread on the shelf this morning was sorted by Motta and I. It's really exhausting for me."

Speaking of Tucker, he patted his wrist to show that he was tired.

Tucker is 6 years older than Leon. He is a waiter in a bakery, but he is not a regular employee. He is still going to school. This job is only a part-time job. Leon is very envious of Turk who can go to school.

Because Tucker helped her, Leon said gratefully: "Tucker, thank you and Motasi very much, thank you for helping me."

Tucker didn't want to help Leon at all. It wouldn't be his scope of work if it didn't come. If it wasn't for the old man Philip to threaten him with salary, he wouldn't be able to sort the shelves.

He didn't have enough pocket money at all, so he came out, otherwise, who would be angry with that old man Philip?

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