Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 682: Hot business!

Tucker "It's okay, but... ahem, you know."

Leon looked at Tucker with some confusion, "What's wrong with Tucker, is your throat uncomfortable?"

Because of Leon’s words, Tucker almost choked. He said angrily: "Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Leon... Are you stupid or pretending to be stupid? I'm not helping you unconditionally, you shouldn't give it. Am I paid?"


Tucker said sharply: "Yes, reward! Don't pretend to be a fool Leon, give me the money, this is what I deserve."

Leon had only a few coins on his body. When he took it out of his pants bag, Tucker looked at the coin in Leon's hand with disgust.

"This is your money?"

Leon nodded.

Tucker thinks Leon is fooling him, and this money can't buy a piece of bread in the store. He angrily knocked the coins in Leon's hand, and the knocked coins were scattered everywhere.

Leon looked at the coins scattered on the ground in amazement, and Tucker's disgust in his eyes was deeper, "Are you kidding? You think it's funny to make me laugh? Haha! What a poor man! It's a waste of time for me."

Tucker ignored Leon, who was shocked, and returned to the store with a cold snort.

Leon’s eyes became dim. These coins were enough for him to get on the bus going back. For Leon, there were already a lot. These are these few coins. Leon usually reluctant to use the bus to save money. walk.

The long hair covered Leon's dimming eyes. He didn't know why Tucker would treat him like this. This was already his money, and he really didn't want to fool Tucker.

After picking up all the coins on the floor, Leon pushed open the door and entered the shop. Tucker gave Leon a cold look at the cash register, and then began to busy himself.

When he arrived at Manager Philip's office, Leon hesitated to knock on the door.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the dialogue from inside made Leon's hand stunned in midair.

Philip squeezed his brows. During the economic downturn, there were even fewer people buying bread. The bread in his shop is absolutely not sold overnight, which was promised from the beginning.

So there is a lot of bread left every day, which greatly increases his budget. In order to ensure quality, this is necessary, because his bakery is a high-end shop, and its customers are also rich.

Have the rich people stopped eating bread lately? There are too many guests. Facing the hotness some time ago, Philip was very anxious. Because of the hot sound some time ago, Philip bought a lot of goods.

"How was the batch processed."

The man suddenly stretched out his hand and clamped Leon's wrist, Leon's face pale in fright. Although the man was injured, his strength was still great, and Leon, the skinny man, couldn't pull out his wrist at all.

The man threatened weakly: "As long as you help me, I can give you a rich remuneration. If you betray me, I can only kill you. There are only two options."

His life is in the hands of this man. If he doesn't help the injured man, he may be ruthlessly killed.

He hasn't seen Cynthia, hasn't thanked her yet, he can't die here.

Leon pursed his lips and helped the man out of the garbage dump.

Leon took the man to his home of only 10 square meters. The room was very small and could only be placed on the next bed.

Creel frowned and looked around at the surrounding environment, how could there be such a dam broken place.

From the moment he entered this area, Krell discovered that this area is exceptionally poor and the houses are very dilapidated.

Creel lay on the bed and looked at the boy who was collecting water for him. The child was not easy, he seemed to be an orphan.

Leon took some water from the rusty pipe. At first, the water coming out of the pipe was turbid, and it took a long time for the water to become clear.

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