Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 848: left!

The voice came from above her head. She had always been very vigilant. Why did she fall asleep without a bodyguard today?

Fortunately, the taxi driver is not a bad person. Looking at the environment outside the car window, she is right where she is going.

Cynthia gave the money and got out of the taxi.

The place where Cynthia got off was a bustling downtown. She had rented a room two days ago.

There is a square just right where you got off the bus. Standing on the square, you can see the sea, and the air is full of saltiness.

Cynthia took the luggage and walked on the road. It was getting dark, and the street lights began to light up, drawing her very slender figure.

The pale yellow lights, the sound of footsteps, and the sound of pulling the suitcase, everything is so simple and beautiful.

Often the simpler things, the more Cynthia yearns.

In order to accompany her mother, she decided to stay in Germany for a while.

The house in front of her is where she will live afterwards.

She has contacted the owner of the house, and the key to the house is in the mailbox at the door.

Open the mailbox, the key is indeed inside, packed in an envelope bag.

Cynthia pushed aside the white railing and walked in.

The house has two-story cabins, and the walls are painted with bright and bad colors, which looks very beautiful.

The windows of the house are very large, with good lighting and ventilation.

Although there are few houses, they look very warm.

The owner of the house doesn't like meeting strangers. They communicate through the Internet.

Although the owner of the house was a bit strange, Cynthia decided to rent the house.

Cynthia saw this house at a glance from the Internet.

The house is very close to the downtown area. She lives by herself, so shopping is much more convenient.

And there is also an academy of fine arts nearby, she can go for a stroll in normal times.

After entering the house, Cynthia turned on all the lights on the first floor.

When she is alone, she likes to feel brighter.

Cynthia put the luggage in the living room, wanting to get acquainted with the environment simply.

There is a kitchen, a study room, and a large living room on the first floor. Next to the living room is a large transparent floor-to-ceiling glass door. Pushing open the glass door is the courtyard behind the house, surrounded by wooden boards.

Going up the stairs to the second floor, what appeared in front was a corridor paved with wood panels. On the left side of the corridor was an empty place with carpets and a small wooden table that was not high.

At the end of the corridor, there is a vivid oil painting hanging.

There are only three rooms on the second floor. Cynthia looked at the three rooms separately, and finally chose a room with a balcony.

She put her luggage in the room and went down to the second floor.

Cynthia lay down on the sofa, sending a message to the owner of the house.

"Martha, I have arrived. I am very satisfied with the house. The room is very clean. I will disturb you during this time."

It didn't take long for Martha to reply, "It's good if you are satisfied, because you are moving in. I specially asked someone to clean the house. I'm glad you like it."

"Okay thank you."

After sending the message, Cynthia threw the phone on the table in front of him.

She lay flat on the sofa, squeezed her temples, and fell asleep without knowing it.

When she woke up, it was already more than three o'clock in the morning.

Cynthia rubbed her eyes, because the sofa was so soft, her body was very tired when she got up.

Cynthia went back to the room on the second floor and went directly to the bathroom.

Rinse the bathtub again and fill the bathtub with hot water.

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