Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 849: Very comfortable inside!

The bathroom instantly became foggy.

Cynthia took out the bath towels from the suitcase, and after dawn, she had to go to the supermarket.

There are not many things in the suitcase, so she has to buy some.

In the past, all of this had been prepared for her in advance, and Cynthia suddenly felt that she was alive.

Take off some wrinkled clothes and submerge the slender calves in the water.

The dim light made Cynthia's skin whiter.

With his body completely submerged in the water, Cynthia put his head on the place where the face towel was placed, so that his head wouldn't have to touch the hard bathtub.

Taking a bath is one of the things that Cynthia enjoys the most. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it all. The mist made her slender and thick eyelashes appear.

Slowly the temperature of the water cooled somewhat, and Cynthia stood up from the bathtub and put a clean bath towel on her body.

In the morning, take a bath, and the rest of the day will be very comfortable.

After wiping the body and hair several times, the sky has gradually started to light up.

Cynthia put on a bath towel and opened the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

When the hair dries naturally, Cynthia makes a cup of coffee for herself.

Go to the balcony, put the coffee on the table, sit and wait for the sky to fully light up.

Such a time was too comfortable, and the worries in my heart dissipated a lot.

After quarreling with her father, the time spent in Winter Manor made her very depressed.

So leaving temporarily is the best choice.

Cynthia stared into the distance, his thoughts gradually drifting away.

After changing clothes, Cynthia took the key and went out.

Because it was too early, most of the shops on the street did not open.

Looking at the time on the watch, it was almost 9 o'clock, not too early.

On the street, you can see people who get up early and walk their dogs, and there are many people who run for fitness.

The people around looked very laid-back, with smiles on their faces.

A day ago, the owner of the house had given Cynthia a guide for living nearby.

The guide is full of dense words, recording where the food is delicious, what is worth playing, and what should be paid attention to when living in Germany.

It can be seen from the strategy that the owner of the house is a very enthusiastic person.

Although the records are very ordinary things, in a foreign country, Cynthia feels warm.

There are not only bad people in this world, but also many good people.

If the world were to be destroyed, it would be unfair to a kind person like Martha.

Cynthia was lost in thought, and at this moment, something was rubbing against her feet.

She lowered her head and saw that Corgi had been turning around and looking at her, as if attracting her attention.

Cynthia lowered his head and smiled. Corgi's master was looking at Cynthia apologetically.

"It's not malicious, it just likes you so much that it looks like this."

Cynthia leaned over and rubbed Corgi. "What's its name?"

The reason for this is not clear to Cynthia.

My mother didn't want to talk too much about this past.

Samuel looked at the daughter who looked a bit like a wife in front of him.

People outside felt that Cynthia was like his wife, so he would love Cynthia extremely.

They were all wrong, and Cynthia’s character is a little more like him after getting along for so many years.

I am very indifferent to everything, except for the things I care about.

Very good at disguising their true character, only they know how cold-blooded they are.

He and Cynthia are the same kind of people. Except for the people he believes, no matter how good other people are to them, it won't help.

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