Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 858: Bid!

Melon Eater B: I have this feeling too.

Eat melon C: This "Girl's Prayer" painting is really of a high standard. It is not like a painting by someone who just learned to paint. This painting can't be painted without 10 years of basic skills.

Melon Eater B: The name of the artist who created this "Girl's Prayer" is GX. Do you know who this GX is?

Everyone around shook their heads, saying they didn't know.

Gu Xi in the distance heard their conversation and his face turned redder. This was the first time he heard so many people discussing her work.

She came into contact with painting when she was six years old. Now she is twenty years old and has been studying painting for more than ten years.

Gu Xi came to Germany three years ago. In order to improve her level, she came to Germany to study alone.

At first, the family members disagreed, and only after Gu Xi's repeated requests did they agree to let her study abroad.

In order to prove himself, Gu Xi worked very hard, taking advantage of the vacation time, Gu Xi would go sketching alone.

She still has many shortcomings, and in the face of praise, she is somewhat ashamed of it.

As for the origin of the name GX, just because GX is the first letter of her Chinese characters.

In order to control the field, Anthony has a smile on his face, and his expression is not flustered. "It seems that everyone likes this work. The auction is still going on. The discussion is as small as possible. If any student wants to understand this work Draw, you can ask me after the auction is over."

After Anthony finished speaking, the voice at the scene became much quieter.

"Okay, now the bidding continues, 500 euros once and 500 euros twice. Friends who like them can continue to increase the price, otherwise this "girl's prayer" belongs to this gentleman."

Anthony looked around, "Since no one increases the price, then this work is..."

Cynthia interrupted Anthony, "Wait!!! I'll pay 10,000 Euros."

Gu Xi next to him looked at Cynthia in astonishment. What is she doing?

Gu Xi tugged at Cynthia's clothes, and whispered, "Cynthia,"

Cynthia looked at Gu Xi who was standing at the door and beckoning to her, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Cynthia walked straight over.

"Meet you again, Cynthia, you are still so beautiful."

"Thank you, you are also very beautiful."

"Really? Hahahaha, I think so too."

Gu Xi glanced at the time, "It's still early, and the art exhibition has not started yet. Let me take you to visit my academy!"


Gu Xi enthusiastically explained his academy to Cynthia, "These buildings are our teaching buildings. I think the buildings of the academy are very beautiful. These castles are very old, some even have more than one hundred. Years, they have all experienced the years of war and have their unique memories."

When Gu Xi was telling the history of her academy, she had light in her eyes. She really liked the academy, and her eyes were full of worship.

Gu Xi is just talking about tuberculosis, and it's endless.

When she looked at the time, it was almost 10 o'clock, and she said a lot about where she was all alone, regardless of whether Cynthia liked it or not.

Gu Xi was a little embarrassed, "Cynthia, do you think I'm annoying?"

"No, you are very cute. I don't know what you told, but it's really interesting."

Gu Xi took a deep breath, that's good, as long as she doesn't find her annoying.

In Guxi’s hometown, her little friend gave her a nickname, "God of tuberculosis!!!"

Because she was so nagging, she couldn't stop talking about it.

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