Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 859: It is worth the price!

Did he really do something wrong?

Samuel always thought that Cynthia was his happiest little princess. Why did things get out of control to this point?

The reason why he gave Cynthia dolls was only because Samuel saw that his Cynthia was watching the dolls in the hands of other little girls, so he collected the best-looking dolls from the world and gave them to his favorite daughter.

He thought Cynthia would be happy? Unexpectedly, he was wrong.

Because of business relations, Samuel has many competitors, and these people want to knock him down, but they count on his daughter.

The only way to protect Cynthia is to send the best bodyguards to protect Cynthia.

Despite using good bodyguards, his daughter experienced a lot of danger when she was a child.

Whenever he heard that Cynthia was in danger, Samuel's heart would hang high. He was very afraid that Cynthia would have an accident. He had no face to his wife.

Later, Samuel reduced her outings in order to prevent Cynthia from encountering danger.

Winter Manor has the safest security system in the world. Only Cynthia staying in Winter Manor is the safest.

In order to prevent Cynthia from being bored, he built an amusement park in Winter Manor to make Cynthia happy.

Samuel tried everything he could, just to want Cynthia to have a happy childhood.

What he didn't expect was that his daughter was always unhappy.

Facing Cynthia's accusation, Samuel did not know how to respond.

Cynthia’s eyes were filled with tears, “Father, I don’t want to marry Casio, he is just my friend, not the one I love.”

Samuel knew that his daughter had few friends, and this young man named Casio was walking very close to his daughter.

He has investigated this teenager, and unlike his parents' scheming, this child is exceptionally innocent.

In a complex family like Granger, it is not easy to have such a simple child. As long as you are kind to your daughter, it doesn't matter if you are stupid.

He will guard Cynthia's life.

Samuel's appearance was very decadent. He still remembered that Cynthia was a very lively and cheerful little girl when he was a child. Later, when he grew up, Cynthia became quieter and quieter. This turned out to be his fault.

"Relationships can be cultivated slowly, and Casio, the child I have investigated, is a good child, my Cynthia, I hope you will have a happy family in the future."

Cynthia complained with red eyes: "Father, do you really know me? Casio is a good friend, but he is not the best husband. I don't love him. Will a family without love be happy?"

Samuel calmed his mood, "Tell me, who do you like?"

Cynthia raised her head and looked directly at Samuel, "Leon, I know Leon!"

"No way!"

Samuel objected immediately.

Samuel realized that his attitude was too agitated, and calmed down: "My child, except this bodyguard, I promise you everything else."

Cynthia was determined, "Father, I only want this little bodyguard."

"He won't give you happiness. This bodyguard is not as simple as you think. He came close to you on purpose."

Samuel said to North, "North, take out the information."

North handed the information bag in his hand to Cynthia.

"what is this?"

"My boy, as long as you read the information inside, you know what the person you like is like, he just shows you the best of himself, don't be fooled by Cynthia."

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