Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 887: Has been sold!

Leon looked at the back of Uncle Jeffrey's departure, and Leon, who was sensitive, had a foreboding of what had happened.

He sat silently on the table and looked at the birthday cake in front of him. This birthday may be his last birthday.

After Jeffrey left, he drove the car and quickly returned home.

Jeffrey's mobile phone is always on the call. If the phone is hung up, he really can't find Krell.

Jeffery quickly plugged in the data cable on the phone, turned on the computer, and quickly tapped the keyboard.

Before long, the source of the signal from the phone was locked by Jeffrey.

Looking at the signal source shown on the map, Jeffrey pinpointed the specific location.

Without stopping too much, Jeffrey rushed out of the house once again, rushing to the position where the signal source was sent.

Jeffrey prayed silently in his heart, don't accident! There must be no accident! ! !

An hour later, Jeffrey arrived near the scene.

Because the location of the signal source made it impossible to drive, Jeffrey immediately abandoned the car and ran towards the signal source.

This neighborhood is a port, and the shores around the port are all containers of the same color.

Jeffery walked inside for a while, this place was like a maze.

If it weren't for Jeffrey's possession of a positioning device, it would be difficult for him to leave such a complicated place.

The signal source is nearby, and Jeffrey's heartbeat is very fast.

As long as the device in Jeffrey's hand is closer to the signal source, the frequency of the bright spot on it will increase.

Looking at the beating signal source above, Krell was nearby.

Jeffery walked around the container and found no figure of Creel.


What about the others?

His testing equipment should not go wrong, why didn't he see Creel's figure?

But the display on the device is very close.

Jeffery looked at the huge indigo blue container in front of him. The outer periphery of the container was a little rusty.

Could it be that Krell is here?

Jeffery began to test his ideas.

He found that as long as he approached the container, the frequency of the signal source jumped faster, and when he left the container, the signal source would slow down.

Creel is likely to be here.

Jeffery walked around the container, trying to find the entrance.

He found that the entrance of the container was locked.

He searched for the surrounding stones and struck it **** the lock.

The harsh sound made Jeffrey frowned.

It's early morning, because it's quiet, and the sound is very penetrating.

The sound of the stone striking, shaking far away.

Fearing to be discovered, Jeffrey struck **** the lock on the container door.

at last! The lock was knocked open.

Jeffrey smiled with joy.

He quickly opened the door of the container. As soon as the door opened, a heavy smell of blood came over his face. Jeffery couldn't help covering his nose. The smell was so uncomfortable

Such a heavy smell of blood?

How much blood did it shed to make this happen?

Jeffrey's body began to tremble, and he dared not go in, afraid to see a scene that he could not accept.

Time passed slowly, and the pungent smell of blood still did not dissipate.

The inside of the container was very dark, and Jeffrey used the light of his mobile phone to illuminate it.

Jeffrey looked into the container by the light of his mobile phone.

The container contains goods packed in large cardboard boxes.

The smell of blood came from inside.

Jeffrey walked in cautiously, and walked slowly towards the place where the blood smell came out.

The smell of blood became more unpleasant in the airtight space, and Jeffrey covered his nose, frowned, and probed deeper.

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