Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 888: The kidnapper of Guxi!

Looking at the furious boss, they finally put down their guns.

Cecil endured the pain, his face turned pale, "Who...who among you...have kidnapped a Chinese girl named Gu Xi? Stand up for me!!!"

Guxi? They had never heard of the name, but as for the Chinese girl, they caught one.

Cynthia looked indifferently at the person who was talking to each other in a low voice, "Boss Cecil, my time is precious. If you think your life is worthless, I can't help it."

Cecil kindly said, "Don't worry, I'll ask you questions right away."

"Damn it! Does it take so long to think about it? Just say it if you know!!!"

Jimk in the crowd was very nervous. His team kidnapped a Chinese girl who had been observing for a long time. This girl was ordinary and had no background. He didn't expect that there would be an accident, and there were even people who came to the door to retaliate.

The Chinese girl has been sold because there are few such "goods" in the market, and it is still a young girl, so it is better to sell.

How to do? If you let the boss know that this person was kidnapped by their team, the consequences will be very serious, and there are many people who know about this, and they can't hide it.

Jimk was sweating coldly at this time, and he would have known it a long time ago and would not show it off.

Cynthia noticed that one of the people in the crowd was of a similar body shape to the person on the video. Moreover, this person's expression was very tense, and his body kept shrinking, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

Cynthia pointed, "You come out."

Jimk looked up and met Cynthia's eyes. He wanted to move away immediately, but it was too late.

"It's you, don't hide, come out!!!"

Jimk left the crowd nervously, hoping that no clues would be discovered.

Cynthia carefully looked at the man in the distance. This man was very similar to the other two people who were carrying Gu Xi in the video.

Her memory is very good. She can remember about 75% of the content after basically reading it once. This kind of memory is already very powerful.

Cynthia repeatedly compared with the video images in his mind.

This person is not wrong.

Cynthia said directly: "You kidnapped Gu Xi."

Jimk waved his hand hurriedly, "It's not me! It's really not me!!! I don't know what you are talking about."

Cynthia has already determined the answer, "Where did you keep Gu Xi? As long as Gu Xi is fine, your boss won't have any trouble."

Cecil was clutching the wound on his leg. For the sake of his own life, he immediately asked, "Say Jimk!!!! Where are the people locked up by you?"

Jimk knelt on the ground begging for mercy, "Boss, I really don't know!!!"

He can't admit it, or it's all over.

People have already bought them, and he can't find them anymore.

The rule on the black market is to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand. Once sold, they cannot be returned or exchanged.

This person is obviously here to find someone. If he knows that the person he is looking for has been sold, the consequences will become very serious.

Cynthia looked at the man kneeling on the ground coldly, "Don't pretend, you are the one in the video. Do you need me to read the license plate of the white van?"

When they kidnapped the girl, they drove a white van. At first Jimk thought that this person was trying to defraud them, but he didn't expect that there was a video.

How to do? How to do? He is dead.

Cecil looked at Jim Kelly with a stern look, "Well, Jim Kelly, have I not listened to my orders?"

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