Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 896: Sweeter than honey!

In fact, she didn't know how to tell Leon that she didn't belong to this world.

When the world was destroyed, it was time for her to leave.

Leon may have died by then.

The dead souls don't have memories, just a group of images of human beings. They can't speak or have any emotions. They all wander where they should go until they disappear.

By that time, Leon will not remember her.

She asked Arthur where the dead in the world would go after the destruction of the small world.

Arthur said that when the world is destroyed, the dead will disappear, and all traces of this world will be eliminated by God.

God does not allow a slight flaw in the things he created, and the flaws will be formatted.

She regretted telling Leon the truth about the matter. If Leon didn't know whether it was when the disaster came, she would not have suffered so much mental pain.

People who are waiting for death suffer many times more pain than those who don't know they will die.

Did she do something wrong?

But she didn't want to deceive Leon. Nothing in this world was real. She wanted to tell Leon the truth.

"Sorry, Leon, I shouldn't have told you."

Looking at the sad Cynthia, Leon stretched out his hand to take Cynthia in his arms, and said comfortingly: "If this world is really going to be destroyed and I can stay with you before death, I will be very happy. This is me. A long-time wish."

To die with your lover is the happiest thing.

Leon hugged Cynthia very tightly, he was really happy, which meant that Cynthia really agreed with him, and only then would he tell him about this.

"I'm very happy, I'm really happy that you can tell me this. I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid that when I'm dying, I won't be able to look at you for the last time, kiss your forehead and tell you that I am really Love hate you."

Cynthia buried her head on Leon's heart. She knew that Leon loved herself very much, and she knew that so she was always cruel.

Cynthia said softly, "I love you, Leon."

Leon's body froze, Cynthia loves him! I really love him!

His body began to tremble unconsciously. This was the first time he really felt Cynthia's love. His heart was beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

In the past, although Cynthia would say that he was hers, he knew that this was just Cynthia's possessiveness, not really falling in love with him.

Leon held Cynthia’s cheek religiously, his eyes became moist, and he looked at Cynthia’s eyes tenderly, "I’m so happy, as if I’m dreaming, thank you for loving me, thank you I was chosen among the crowd. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for making me feel that I am the happiest person in the world."

Cynthia looked at Leon with a smile, "Leon, when have you been so romantic?"

Leon said in a sincere tone: "As long as you are willing, I will be romantic for you."

Cynthia stood on tiptoe and bit Leon's jaw, leaving a few tooth marks on it, proving that this person is hers and no one can interfere.

Cynthia looked at Leon and said dozingly, "I see, my handsome knight."

Leon couldn't help it anymore and kissed Cynthia's lips. Her lips were many times sweeter than sweet honey, which made Leon's heart swell, and now he knew what a happy smell is.

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