Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 897: Declare to the world that you are my woman!

As they exchanged their breaths, Leon finally felt that the person in front of him was completely his.

Even if he was an enemy of the whole world, he would never let go again.

He wants to announce to the world that Cynthia is his woman.

I love you!

Higher than the mountain!

Broader than the sea!

Love more than everyone in this world!

Death can't eliminate my love for you!

My love will be with you forever!

I still love you until the world is destroyed.

After being warm, the two decided to embark on a journey to rescue Gu Xi.

Cynthia turned on the computer and searched for information on the Black Pearl.

According to the computer, it was found that the Black Pearl had already set sail yesterday. Due to the large waves at sea due to the weather, it has not set sail for the time being.

According to the information released, the Black Pearl will set sail for France at three o'clock today.

Cynthia looked at the time on his watch. There was still an hour left before the Black Pearl sailed. Ticket sales have now stopped.

Time is still too late, and the most important thing is to get on the cruise ship.

After finding Gu Xi, take her away.

Cynthia looked at Leon beside him, "We still have time now. After we got on the cruise, we found Guxi. Before the cruise arrived in France, we took her away."

Leon unconditionally obeyed Cynthia's arrangement.

"I'm going to pack my luggage first, you will wait for me for a while."


Cynthia quickly packed her things. Before leaving, she glanced at the paintings of Gu Xi on the wall. She prayed that Gu Xi would not have any trouble.

After the incident is over, she will let Gu Xi go back to China and stay with her relatives.

She would also take time to go to China, but her mother's heart was overwhelmed.

At the last time, she and Leon found a quiet place to settle down and waited for the arrival of the last time.

It was Leon who drove, and it didn't take much for an hour. It still took some time to get to the port and had to put more horsepower.

When they arrived at the port, the cruise ship was about to open, and now it has stopped boarding tourists.

Cynthia handed the luggage to Leon, "I have a way."

There was someone guarding the entrance of the cruise ship, and Cynthia walked over with a calm expression, "I'm late, can I still go up?"

Cynthia deliberately changed an elegant courtesy group. The delicate hairpin on her short hair made her look more playful.

Faced with such a beautiful girl, no one can refuse.

Cynthia repeatedly compared with the video images in his mind.

This person is not wrong.

Cynthia said directly: "You kidnapped Gu Xi."

Jimk waved his hand hurriedly, "It's not me! It's really not me! I don't know what you are talking about."

Cynthia has already determined the answer, "Where did you keep Gu Xi? As long as Gu Xi is fine, your boss won't have any trouble."

Cecil clutched the wound on his leg. For the sake of his own life, he immediately asked, "Say Jimk! Where are you locked up?"

Jimk knelt on the ground begging for mercy, "Boss, I really don't know!!"

He can't admit it, or it's all over.

People have already bought them, and he can't find them anymore.

The rule on the black market is to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand. Once sold, they cannot be returned or exchanged.

This person is obviously here to find someone. If he knows that the person he is looking for has been sold, the consequences will become very serious.

Cynthia looked at the man kneeling on the ground coldly, "Don't pretend, you are the one in the video. Do you need me to read the license plate of the white van?"

When they kidnapped the girl, they drove a white van. At first Jimk thought that this person was trying to defraud them, but he didn't expect that there was a video.

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