"If your father is going to visit Jiangnan, you might as well wait for a while. I have a gift for you to give to your father, which will make your father's trip faster and more comfortable."

Fusu pondered for a moment and said

"Has Fusu made any new inventions?"

Ying Zheng suddenly became interested.

Although the First Emperor has never been particular about living conditions, it would be great to be more comfortable.

What worries Ying Zheng even more is what Fusu said is faster.

You know, Da Qin Whether it is a speedway, a cement straight road or the construction of the Grand Canal, it is all to speed up transportation and logistics.

If faster and more comfortable cars and ships can be invented, it will definitely be a big boost to the current booming business in Daqin

"In fact, it is not a great invention. It is a device added to the ship that allows the ship to walk on its own in rivers and lakes even when there is no wind. It is more efficient than paddling."

"Regarding the carriage, there are also certain improvements that can make the carriage run faster and more stably on the concrete straight road."

"The specific details will be known by the emperor when the time comes. Fusu explained with a smile.

In the last lottery, he got the"Tiangong Kaiwu", which is the first encyclopedia of science and technology in the history of later generations. He selected a part of it and gave it to the Daqin Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering for research. Months have passed, and there have been quite a few gains.

Among them, the first breakthroughs were the new horse-drawn carriages and inland river ships.

Calculating the time, it should be about the same date as the completion date of the Grand Canal.

It can be used by Ying Zheng for his eastward inspection. Not only can it allow the First Emperor to go east The patrol journey is smoother, and it is also an excellent advertisement.

Since ancient times, people have been star-chasing. His Majesty the First Emperor personally endorsed the advertisement. Once word spreads, it will definitely become popular throughout the Qin Dynasty.

Now he has quite a business acumen. The businessmen of Daqin will soon discover the business opportunities. Fusu only needs to do a good job in technical authorization and prevent leaks. Of course

, after the income increases, relevant scientific researchers will also be given generous rewards to increase the enthusiasm of scientific researchers, thus forming a A virtuous circle.

We can also carry out another round of publicity for this, combined with the evaluation of the Daqin Royal Science Award, to once again enhance the scientific research atmosphere of Daqin.

After being the crown prince of Daqin for a long time, Fusu is already very familiar with this.

As the prince of the supervisory state of Daqin, Fusu only needs to hold on to the general direction, and the rest will naturally be implemented by Yingzheng and the various departments of the court.

But now that the First Emperor is touring eastward, Fusu, the prince who supervises the country, has to take over the heavy responsibility.

Seeing the imperial study room Fusu couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the mountains of memorials among them.

"Then my father is looking forward to the surprise from you, Fusu!"

"But what my father hopes to see more is for you, Fusu, to be more proactive in taking over more responsibilities."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but laugh.

This son is good at everything, but he's just a little too lazy.

"The father was in his prime during the Spring and Autumn Period, and his sons and ministers still had much to learn."

Fusu shook his head quickly.

The idea of the First Emperor was very dangerous and must not be allowed to continue.

He didn't want to be buried in mountains of memorials all day long. Then what fun was there in life?

It seemed that he was We should find a way to optimize the processes and functions of various departments in the court.

Otherwise, just this period of supervising the country will tire Fusu to the point of exhaustion.

"Fusu, if you have any ideas, just go for it. Father will definitely support you!"

Ying Zheng smiled and patted Fu Su on the shoulder.

This boy, as expected, will not show positive behavior without being forced.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look forward to the future even more.

The important ministers in the court also laughed. This Father and son are really interesting.

However, one is the First Emperor and the other is the Prince of the Supervisory State. They cannot afford to offend them, so they can only hold back their smiles.

In my heart, I am looking forward to the new cars and boats that Fusu mentioned..

But they didn’t know that Fusu had already put the idea of reform on their heads.

If you want to make it easier for the emperor or the prince to relax, the various departments of the court will naturally have to share more. The emperor only needs to grasp the final approval power. Got it......

"Although Da Qin's current three-gong and nine-qing system is running smoothly, with the continuous development of Da Qin, it has become a bit out of step."

"Although the county system is good, due to the large territory, there are now more than a hundred counties and thousands of counties, and it seems that it is time to add a larger level."

After returning to the Prince's Mansion, Fusu quickly began to study the political system of Qin.

Originally, he was planning to wait until he ascended the throne to start these reforms.

After all, the First Emperor is still in power now, and he is doing very well.

But this Once, the First Emperor obviously gave Fusu a chance and expressed his full trust. In order to make it easier for him to supervise the crown prince, Fusu had no choice but to start reforms in advance. The first step was to The current system of the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers in the Qin Dynasty.

The three Gongs among the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers are respectively the left and right prime ministers, the Taiwei and the Yushi Dafu. Among them, the Taiwei is in charge of the armies, the Yushi Dafu is responsible for supervising the officials, and the Prime Minister is in charge of the counties.

Although currently Li Si, Wang Jian, Feng Quji and Wang Jian all did a very good job, and there will definitely be no problem in Fusu's hands, but if he is replaced by an emperor with a lower talent, there may be a problem of the three princes having too much power.

Especially The prime minister is directly in charge of the counties. Even if he is divided into left and right, he still has full weight.

Fusu's method is also very simple. He refers to the three provinces and six ministries system of later generations and divides the powers of the prime minister into Zhongshu Province, Shangshu Province and There are three departments in the Menxia Province.

Among them, the Zhongshu Province has similar functions to the current Prime Minister. It is the head of the civil service and is responsible for drafting and issuing decrees for the emperor. However, it has canceled the right to control counties and counties.

The Menxia Province and the Zhongshu Province are in charge of the secret department. , is responsible for reviewing the decrees drafted by Zhongshu Sheng. If found to be wrong, it can be rejected and handed over to the emperor for final decision.

Shangshu Sheng directly commands Jiuqing and is the specific execution department, responsible for the implementation of the orders issued by Zhongshu Sheng and reviewed by Menxia Sheng For subsequent edicts, the three provinces were not under each other and were directly responsible to the emperor.

If the memorial was submitted by local or various departments, it would be reviewed by the Shangshu Province first, and after passing it, it would be submitted to the Zhongshu Province and the Menxia Province to confirm that there were no problems. Submit it to the emperor for final confirmation.

If either party has objections, the resolution cannot be implemented and must be submitted to the emperor for final judgment.

It can be said that the existence of the three provinces has divided the originally vague functions of the left and right prime ministers in a more refined manner. Not only can it improve efficiency and reduce the pressure on the emperor, but it can also help the emperor centralize power and control, making the centralization system pioneered by the First Emperor more effective.

Fusu can be completely sure that this resolution will definitely be supported by the First Emperor once it is proposed.

With the prestige of the First Emperor, Li Si would definitely not dare to object. Feng Quji was about to retire, so it was impossible for him to object.

As for the other officials, would they like to have two more positions for them to compete?

And the three provinces were settled. After that, all that's left is the reform of the imperial censor and the Taiwei.

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