In the Qin Dynasty's official system, the imperial censor was independent from the prime minister, directly responsible to the emperor, and supervised the setting of hundreds of officials. Fusu had always been very satisfied.

In the three-province and six-ministry system of later generations, although the Ministry of Personnel also had similar functions, it was directly under the jurisdiction of the Shangshu Province, lower than the chief officials of the three provinces such as the Shangshu Ling. There is a big question mark as to whether it can provide sufficient supervision.

Therefore, Fusu decided to continue and further strengthen the establishment of imperial censors. In addition to the court, branches should also be set up in each county to further improve the supervisory function.

The position of Taiwei is actually the most embarrassing position. After all, military power has always been the most easily feared by the emperor.

The main reason why Wang Jian claimed to be ill every three days and did not go to court was to avoid suspicion.

However, if we follow the example of later generations and change the rank of Taiwei to a false position, and the actual leadership of the army is carried out by the Ministry of War, it will create a situation where civilian officials are inferior to civilian officials and are suppressed by civilian officials, which is very detrimental to the Qin Dynasty.

Therefore, Fusu decided to reorganize the Taiwei into the Privy Council, whose function was similar to that of the General Staff in later generations. It was responsible for assisting the emperor in commanding military operations, planning and construction of military personnel, and logistics mobilization.

But the most important money and food must be approved by the three provinces and then decided by the emperor.

As long as the money bag is kept, there are only soldiers but no money and food, and as long as the army loves Qin and obeys the emperor's education, the Privy Council will not pose a threat to the emperor.

In this way, the status of military generals is preserved, and the possibility of excessive power of military generals is prevented, which is more conducive to centralized rule.

The nine ministers besides the three princes are Weiwei, Langzhongling, Taipu, Tingwei, Dianke, Fengchang, Zongzheng, Shaofu and Zhisu Neishi.

In addition, it was proposed by Fusu that the First Emperor should be promoted to a general who was consistent with Jiuqing as a Shaofu.

Now that there is a need for reform, General Shaofu can be directly reorganized into the Ministry of Industry, which is more in line with Fusu's positioning.

In order to control the internal history of millet, it can also be directly reorganized into the Ministry of Household, which is in charge of the treasury taxation, responsible for stabilizing prices, customs import and export approval, etc.

The Tingwei Mansion is the highest judicial institution in the Qin Dynasty and can be reorganized into the Ministry of Justice to further strengthen its functions.

The Dianke Office, similar to the Honglu Temple in later generations, could be used together with the Imperial College to establish the Ministry of Rites of the Qin Dynasty.

After all, Da Qin is now the true celestial kingdom, and its foreign affairs and diplomacy are entirely in Da Qin's final say. The truth is that the fist is strong.

What cannot be obtained on the battlefield is even less likely to be obtained at the negotiation table.

Paying too much attention to it will only make certain literati too powerful, and ultimately lead to the custom of kneeling.

In Fusu's view, the powers of Lang Zhongling, who was in charge of discussing, praising, receiving memorials, and serving as guards in the palace, were a bit too broad. He just had to perform impeachment and supervision work properly, and his functions should be similar to the procuratorate of later generations. , and the Ministry of Punishment cooperate with each other without being subordinate to each other, and continue to implement the fairness and impartiality of Qin Law.

Fengchang, who was in charge of the rituals of the ancestral temple, the imperial servants who were in charge of the royal carriages and horses, Zongzheng, who was in charge of the royal clan, and the Shaofu, who was in charge of the emperor's private property, were not suitable to be included in the Nine Qings in Fusu's view, and could be merged into the internal affairs department. , directly under the management of the emperor, and responsible for managing the emperor's inner treasury.

Fusu still agrees with the distinction between the national treasury and the internal treasury.

Moreover, it is more convenient to spend money in the inner treasury, and both the government and the opposition have nothing to say.

The guards who were in charge of the garrison of the palace gates, that is, the Great Qin Imperial Army, must also be directly managed by the emperor. The emperor could not personally command the Imperial Army, but there were too many experiences and lessons for later generations.

Fusu hesitated for a long time and finally added the Ministry of War, the last of the three provinces and six ministries, to the Shangshu Province.

However, the functions have been reduced to a certain extent. The assessment and salary distribution of generals during non-wartime, that is, the management of the army's establishment, money and food, have been included in the Shangshu Province.

Once wartime enters, the authority of the Ministry of War will be withdrawn, and the emperor can decide whether to transfer power to the Privy Council based on specific needs.

In this way, Da Qin's new court system was completely sorted out by Fusu.

They are the three provinces of Zhongshu, Menxia, and Shangshu, which are directly responsible to the emperor, the Privy Council, which has the same functions as the General Staff, and the Yushi Dafu, who is responsible for monitoring the world.

Under the Shangshu Province, there are the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

In addition, there is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is solely responsible to the emperor, the guards who manage the Imperial Forest Army, and the Qin Royal Bank.

The Da Qin version of the new imperial court system after the combination of the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers and the three provinces and six ministries was sorted out in Fusu's writings.

Fusu simply took the new system and went straight to the palace.......

In the dormitory, looking at the reform plan for the court submitted by Fusu, the First Emperor couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Sure enough, this son still needs to be forced to show more talents.

After pondering for a long time, the First Emperor directly took the Emperor's Seal

"Father, don’t you think about it again?"

Fusu was slightly surprised. Ying Zheng agreed too simply.

"The world of Great Qin will support you in the future. Why would my father modify your proposal to support you?"

"What's more, this proposal will be of great benefit to Da Qin!"

Ying Zheng said with a slight smile.

Ying Zheng had long discovered the shortcomings of the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers system. The most prominent ones are that the prime minister has too much authority, too many useless departments, confusing responsibilities, etc.

It's just that Da Qin has just been established for more than ten years. , there are too many affairs, and the successor has not been decided, the iron plate has not been completely formed internally, and no one is available, etc., even the first emperor did not dare to carry out major operations on the court system easily.

Now, due to Fusu, the entire Qin Dynasty Yixin, the national power continues to grow, and Yingzheng has long been interested in reforming the court.

However, after all, it is the year of destiny, so Yingzheng hopes to leave this opportunity to Fusu to facilitate Fusu's future after he ascends the throne. The rule of the Qin Dynasty.

And Ying Zheng has never put together a proper plan.

Now that Fusu's proposal is better than what Ying Zheng imagined, Ying Zheng naturally accepted it happily.

The energy of the First Emperor was already a little less than that of the prime minister, and he was eager to support Fu Su. Su Neng should take on more of the burden.

If it weren't for the thought of waiting for the Qin Dynasty to unify the world and complete the achievement of one emperor through the ages, Ying Zheng would have thought of abdicating the throne and giving the throne to Fusu, so that he could entertain his grandchildren and travel around the world in his free time.

Now Fusu The proposal was even more perfect than what Ying Zheng had imagined. Ying Zheng was naturally pleased and affirmative.

"Time is not forgiving, my father is already old"

"In this world, the future is yours, Fusu."

"Fusu, just show it boldly."

Ying Zheng smiled happily, looking at Fusu with eyes filled with deep fatherly love.

Fusu has done so much for Da Qin, and the rest is what his father has done for Fusu. Lay a better foundation.

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