Chapter 0114 - Great Qin Wenwu Reform!!


I saw that the words of winning the government fell, and all the civil and military officials in the entire hall completely quieted down.

Huan Zheng looked at the group of civil and military officials in the entire hall, and then continued to speak: "The army of the Great Qin Empire will be reformed next. "

"The next Great Qin Empire will be divided into ten major legions."

"From 1 to 10."

"In addition to these ten legions, there is also a Praetorian Guard Legion that only belongs to Xuan"

"At the same time, the zombie army is also listed as a legion outside the top ten legions."

After some thought, Yingzheng then spoke to the group of generals.

Yes, this is the idea that belongs to today's winning government.

It is very simple, at present, the Great Qin Empire has laid down a great world, then their world will also be fully occupied by them in the future.

That is to say, by then, their Great Qin Empire will master two worlds!

If the Great Qin Empire, which has mastered the two worlds, has to act on the scale before, I am afraid that it will be more or less a problem.

In order to avoid this problem, Yingzheng felt that it might be possible to reform the 210 army of the Great Qin Empire.

When the group of generals listened to the words spoken by the current winner, there was a deep tension in their eyes at this moment.

This is a reform of the army!

And they are generals in the army, and it can be said that the reform of today's winning government can affect them.

In the nervous gazes of the generals after generals, Yingzheng only said his reform of the next big imperial army.

"The number of soldiers in each of the ten legions is tentatively defined as 1 million"

"The rank of corps commander of each corps is defined as corps commander."

"Below the commander there are ten generals."

"Every general can master an army of 100,000."

"There are ten more adjutant generals in that 100,000-strong army."

"There are four division commanders under the command of a deputy general, and 25,000 people under the command of a division commander."

"Below a division commander there are five battalion commanders, and each battalion commander has five thousand men under his command."

"Below the battalion commander can master ten company commanders, and one company commander can master five hundred people."

"Below the company commander is the platoon commander, and one platoon commander can master fifty people."

"There are five squad leaders below the platoon leader, and one squad leader can master ten people."

"This is about the reform of the army of the Great Qin Empire."

After some thought, Ying Zheng said to the group of generals with a serious look on his face.

At this moment, after those generals in the court listened to the words spoken by the current victory, they all recalled the words just said by the victorious government with that thoughtful gaze.

Obviously, there are currently a total of 12 legions in the Great Qin Empire.

A Praetorian Legion that directly belongs to their Majesty, about this, their Majesty must have his own thoughts, and they do not have the courage to extend their hands into the Praetorian Legion.

There is another zombie legion, which is an army belonging to those who have turned into zombies.

The remaining ten legions are their destination, and they should serve as generals in the ten major legions next.

The army of their Great Qin Empire also needs to expand.

The army of their Great Qin Empire is only one million at most, and as a result, the army needed by their Great Qin Empire will be expanded by ten million more at this step!

Fortunately, their Great Qin Empire has laid down a world, and the population in that world is much larger than their world, so the plan of expanding tens of millions of troops seems to be completely achievable for these generals at present

"Ten Great Legions, be sure to leave a place in this!"

The eyes of the generals after the generals all carried a deep seriousness.

While there was a seriousness in the eyes of the generals one after another, the group of civil officials also began to think about it.

Obviously, under the current order of their majesty, even their group of civil officials will be affected to some extent.

Although the officials of their two major systems of civil and military affairs are not related together, after all, they all belong to the existence that serves the Great Qin Empire, and under the current reform on the side of the army, it seems that their group of civilian officials will be affected to some extent.

Just when this group of civilian officials fell into a period of thought, the current winning government continued to speak: "After talking about the reform of the army, let's talk about the reform of the civilian system." "

"Next, the Great Qin Empire will establish a Ministry of Education to take charge of all education throughout the country."

"At the same time, a Ministry of Finance is being established to oversee all the revenues and taxes owned in the Daming Empire as the name suggests."

"There is also a Ministry of Transportation, which will be in charge of the traffic problems of the two Great Qin Empires in the future"

"There is also the Ministry of Agriculture, next, the Great Qin Empire will introduce the high-quality grain of their world in another world, and take charge of all the grain in the whole country."

"There is also the Ministry of Engineering, which develops everything that is beneficial to the Great Qin Empire."

"And the next Ministry of Public Security, to take over the security issues in the Great Qin Empire!"

"This is a top priority, there must be no surprises!"

There was a seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"At the same time, there is also a criminal department, as the name implies, all the prisons in the Great Qin Empire are under the control of the criminal department, and the law is also under the control of the criminal department."

"As for the next military department, it is currently defined as the members of the military escort by the commander of the grand army and a hundred generals."

"Oh yes, and a department independent of all departments"

"I saw history in that world, and the brocade guard about the Daming Empire is very good."

"Jin Yiwei, supervise the hundred officials!"

"Under the personal jurisdiction of Xuan!"

There was a seriousness in Ying Zheng's face.

After some thought, the current Yuzheng said all about the reforms he had in the Great Qin Empire.

This was his reform of the culture and martial arts of the Great Qin Empire, which was not needed at all by the Great Qin Empire before.

But now the Great Qin Empire must need a major reform.

Otherwise, how will you master such a huge territory at that time?

All this is in need of reform!

And at this moment, when the civil and military officials listened to the words told by the current winning government, all the civil and military officials were completely in thought.

They were contemplating these words spoken from the mouth of their Majesty.

Eight major departments, plus Jin Yiwei, which is independent of the eight major departments.

This is the reform of the Great Qin Empire by their majesties today.

Similarly, this was also the beginning of the take-off of the Great Qin Empire.

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