Chapter 0115 - Changes in the Ten Years of Great Qin!!

In this way, the Great Qin Empire embarked on a path of repair.

The world owned by the Great Qin Empire itself was also comprehensively defeated by the army of the Great Qin Empire.

The territory of the current Great Qin Empire directly became two worlds.

With the territory of the Great Qin Empire directly becoming two worlds, the current world owned by the Great Qin Empire itself has also begun to transfer some of the technology owned by the other world.

That other world has entered the modern world, or the weapons are not as good as those current cultivators, but at least for the ten thousand aspects of Wan Zai people's livelihood, it is really very good for those ordinary people who are in charge of it.

For the current technology that can make people's lives better, the current ministers of major departments directly choose to carry all the technologies in that other world that can make people's lives better.

In this way, both worlds have completely lived the current kind of technological life.

The common people in the native world of the Great Qin Empire also lamented that the days began to change day by day.

And the number of troops of the Great Qin Empire has directly become the current 11 million.

The soldiers in the 11 corps are all full.

Even those zombies in the zombie army are all full.

Yes, the zombies in the zombie army may sound very scary, but for the group of guys in the Great Qin Empire, there is really no shortage of people who want to become soldiers in the zombie army.

Especially after the Great Qin Empire unified the two worlds, there was really no shortage of people who wanted to become zombie legions.

No way, the current situation is here.

Although it is basically said that after becoming a soldier in the zombie army, it can be said that it is a farewell to humans, but they still retain human emotions.

At the same time, they also have their salaries, which is a great opportunity even for disabled people who want to work for their country but have no access to it.

Even those who do not want to serve the country, but they want to restore their normal bodies, they have had enough of this disabled person!

Overall, there is really no shortage of soldiers in the zombie army.

So even the million amount of the zombie army has already been recruited.

And the soldiers in the zombie army also went to the Changping battlefield to cultivate, and they needed to rely on the monstrous murderous qi and anger gathered on the Changping battlefield to enhance their own strength.

As for the soldiers in the other 11 legions?

The soldiers in the other 11 legions had all cultivated the Bloodthirsty Heart Sutra at the moment.

As all the soldiers in the Great Qin Empire had begun to cultivate the Bloodthirsty Heart Sutra, those civil servants had found the exercises suitable for their cultivation through those sects.

The entire Great Qin Empire began to grow stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this way, the time of the year flashed.

"See Your Majesty!"

"May Your Majesty Saint Ann!"

In an instant, I saw that the civil and military officials in the current Great Qin Empire immediately saluted respectfully to the winning government.

At this moment, among the group of guys from the court, there were not only those civil and military officials today, but also the guys from those cultivation colleges, because this was the first ten-year great pilgrimage meeting of Daqin since he conquered that zombie world.

This great pilgrimage is the sum of all the problems that exist in both worlds.

If anything, then you can participate in this pilgrimage and raise the issue directly.

So at this time, the group of guys from the monastic academy naturally came to the court.

"There is a book."

I saw that the current calm voice began to echo in the hall at this moment.

In the face of this calm voice, Wang Chui, the head of the military department, replied with that seriousness in his eyes: "See Your Majesty, the strength of the current ten major legions has been significantly improved. "

"On the whole, the strength of the soldiers of the ten major legions is already all in the realm of refining qi, and even the strength of some individual outstanding people has broken through to the realm of foundation building."

"There are not a few generals in the Jindan realm."

I saw that the current military minister Wang Yi replied respectfully.

Facing the words that came from Wang Chuan, who was the minister of military affairs at this moment, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon chair, nodded with satisfaction.

The army is a symbol of a country's armed forces, if the strength of the army is too weak, then this country will really have a major accident, fortunately, the current strength of the army of the Great Qin Empire is very strong...

In the face of the words of the Minister of Military Affairs, Wei Yi, who was the Minister of Education on the side, also replied honestly at this moment: "See Your Majesty, the common people of the current Great Qin Empire have begun to contact education. "

"Even those older guys are more or less literate, and the Great Qin Empire has fully implemented nine years of compulsory education."

At this moment, the Minister of Education, Wei Yi, replied respectfully.


Listening to the words of the current Minister of Education, Wei Yi, the current winning government is very satisfied.

If the military is a symbol of a country's armed forces and can protect the entire country from being bullied, then education is the key to whether the whole country can be strong...

Yingzheng didn't expect this decade to make the Great Qin Empire evolve into any changes, but when the current Daqin Empire had begun to gradually have the demeanor of the big country in his previous life, Yingzheng also felt a burst of satisfaction.

"Go on."

As the words of winning the government fell, the ministers of one department after another slowly brought together the problems in the current Great Qin Empire at this moment.

When the ministers of one department after another were coming one by one to the problems of the current Great Qin Empire, Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master, who was the current dean of the cultivation academy, also respectfully replied at this moment: "See Your Majesty. "

"The monastic academy has sent one disciple after another to one school after another to teach students about the ability of monasticism."

"The results so far are already showing their way."

After listening to the words spoken by the Dean of the Cultivation Academy at this moment, Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master, there was a wave of satisfaction in the eyes of Yingzheng at this moment.

From the current report, Yingzheng can already know a general situation, the strength of the Great Qin Empire has undergone a earth-shaking change after ten years of changes.

"Ten years have passed, and the strength of the Great Qin Empire has also increased to this level!"

"That's also the time for a bigger change!"

At the same time, there was an unprecedented seriousness in Yingzheng's eyes.

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