Chapter 0117 - The Great Qin Empire!! Saving the Terrans


The mighty army appeared in the strange plain, and in the face of the terrifying murderous aura coming out above the mighty army, the gloomy sky also retreated in the face of the mighty murderous aura.

"Where is this?"

The current Yingzheng looked at the current place with curiosity in his eyes.

It is not clear where they are now, even the winning government at the moment.

Although Yingzheng can understand that the place they are currently in belongs to the world of Qiannu Ghost, the question is in which direction is Qiannu Ghost stimulated? That's the real big problem.

"Forget it, the whole army will attack!"

The current Ying Zheng shook his head slightly.

To be honest, he didn't know where they were now.

But it doesn't matter, what they need to do now is to conquer the world, and since what they need to do now belongs to conquering this world, then why should they be obsessed with where they are now?

They just have to keep fighting.


The current army commanders replied with that respect in their eyes.

Obviously, in the face of the current order given by the winning government, it is completely their 26 favorite.

Just launch an attack.

"Kill kill kill!"

In an instant, the army of several million directly began to roar in disgust.

As the army of millions began to roar wildly, the overwhelming murderous aura began to spread wildly around.

"Wang Yi, you led the First Legion to attack to the north!"

"Li Xin, you lead the Second Legion to attack the south!"

"Wang Bian, you lead the Third Legion to attack to the east!"

"Wang Li, you lead the Fourth Legion to attack to the west!"

"As for Meng Tian, you led the Fifth Legion and the Zombie Legion to clean up one sect after another!"

"The 2 million army has been handed over to you, all you need to do is occupy all those sects!"

"If you can clean up all those sects, then don't want any of them"

"If you can't beat it, then stay there for the time being, and I'll come to you when the other four-way armies or the time come."

"And Zhang Handan, you will lead the Praetorian Guard to follow Xuan."

The current Victory Zheng ordered one army commander after another.


In an instant, when one military commander after another listened to the order from Yingzheng, he immediately replied so respectfully.

For them now, this command is simply made for them!

"Let's attack!"

The current winner said slightly.


At the same time, at this moment, one army commander after another and one general after another listened to the order given by Yingzheng, and naturally replied so respectfully.

"Everyone, follow Xu to this world to see."

"Looking at this world, I'm afraid that Yin and Yang have been completely unbalanced."

After Yingzheng looked at the yin qi in the sky, he immediately had an opinion on the situation in this world.

Although he was able to understand the world of Qiannu Ghost long ago, it was definitely an abnormal world.

After all, the prefecture is occupied by some so-called Montenegrin old demon, and with this alone, you can see that the current prefecture is an absolute mess.

Even the current prefecture in this Qiannu Ghost World is even worse than the prefecture in the world of Ninth Uncle.

Although the prefecture in the world where the Ninth Uncle is located is also very bad, at least one of the doppelgangers of King Yan Luo remains there to preside over the overall situation, and no matter how bad that place is, at least it will not be bad.

But this incident of Qiannu Ghost, it is different.

At least according to what the current Win Zheng knows, the world of Qiannu Ghost is really not an ordinary world.

At the very least, the prefectures in this world may have completely collapsed, and it is even very likely that the prefectures in this world have not left any immortal-level existence doppelgangers left in this world at all, and they are likely to have left this world long ago.

When all the immortal Buddhas left this world, only those demons and monsters remained in this world.

Therefore, for the current world to be so made like this by the current demons and monsters, although Win Zheng does not know the real details, but can also understand what happened.

In the group of guys who listened to Yingzheng's words, the current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master looked at the sky with that seriousness in his eyes.

"That's right, strictly speaking, this world is no longer saved."

"Unless there is an existence in this era that has swept the world with the power of one, then I am afraid that no one can save the current era."

At present, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master looked at the world they were currently in with an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

Yes, it's daylight!

As a result, the yin qi in the sky in the broad daylight has actually covered the sun, so how to get it at night?

Then at night, I'm afraid that the whole world is completely filled with yin qi, right?

Even the demons and monsters that you have at night are not all brazenly appearing in the places where humans are, right?

Although it seemed a little incredible, at this moment, when the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master looked at this scene in the sky, he felt that it seemed that this situation was really likely to happen.

There is no salvation in this world.

"Please also ask Your Majesty to completely sweep this world, and return this world to a bright place!"

I saw that the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master said to Yingzheng with that seriousness in his eyes.

"Please also ask Your Majesty to sweep this world."

In an instant, the eyes of the heads of one sect after another were like this, with an unprecedented seriousness.

Not to mention the heads of those sects, even the abbots in those temples had an unprecedented serious gaze.

That's right, there are not only Taoist leaders in the Great Qin Empire, but there are also those Buddhist abbots in the Great Qin Empire.

And at this moment, whether it belongs to the head or the abbot, they now have only one idea.

That is, there is a request to the current emperor of the Great Qin Empire to win Zheng to lead the army of the Great Qin Empire to sweep the entire world, and the Terrans of this world are in full swing.

In the face of the words of the current guys one after another, Yingzheng's eyes at this moment also replied with that seriousness: "This point everyone Aiqing rest assured." "

"Naturally, I know."

"Xun appeared to save the Terrans of this world!"

The current winner replied with a serious look on his face.

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