Chapter 0118 - A World That Can't Accommodate an Army of Ten Million!!

"What happened in this world?"

At the same time, at the same moment that the Praetorian Legion led by Na Yingzheng began to move towards the distance, the abbots of the temple who were currently in charge of one sect after another began to discuss with each other.

At present, the strength of this group of guys is all in the Yuan Infant realm.

That's right, whether they belong to the current Taoist leaders or the Buddhist abbots, their strength all belongs to the Yuan Infant realm.

Perhaps the strength of many of them before belonged to the Golden Pill realm of the Eight Classics, but when the Great Qin Empire had developed for ten years, the strength of this group of cultivators did not belong to the current place.

During that decade of peace, then their strength will naturally increase!

Not to mention that they joined the Great Qin Empire, under the influence of the national fortune of the Great Qin Empire, their strength will definitely not be bad.

The most powerful is undoubtedly the Childless Peak Realm belonging to the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master, and it can break through to the current Yuan God realm at any time.

As for the worst strength, it belongs to a temple leader, and the other party's strength is only in the early Yuan Infant realm.

Even if the opponent's strength is only in the early Yuan Infant realm, but the strength of the current dozens of abbots and the head are all combined, then this is different.

This is a big force even in today's Great Qin Empire, of course, in addition to the current leaders and abbots, there are also those demon kings who come to this world.

A total of ten demon kings!

In addition to the five demon kings at the beginning, there are currently five other existences whose strength has also broken through to the Yuan Infant realm.

After their strength broke through to the Yuan Infant realm, they naturally had the title of Demon King.

Of course, whether it belongs to those Taoist leaders, Buddhist abbots, or even those so-called demon kings, no matter how strong their strength is, they all have to be dispatched by the current winning government.

"This world is probably similar to our world."

"It should be the desolation left by the legendary gentleman after leaving this world."

"Compared to the appearance of His Majesty in our world, then there should be no appearance of His Majesty in this world."

"So the current world should have fallen to this point."

The former head of the Maoshan Sect said with a serious opening in his eyes.

They had traveled to the hell in their world, so there were some things they probably could understand what the situation was.

Listening to the words from the current head of the Maoshan Sect, at this moment, one after another guys began to discuss with each other.

In the face of the current discussion of those guys, Yingzheng is standing next to the current Zhang Han at this moment.

"What do you think about the world?"

Ying Zheng asked slightly to Zhang Handan.

For Zhang Handan, the view of winning the government is very simple.

This is a general-level talent belonging to the Eight Classics.

As long as Zhang Han's potential can be stimulated, then there will definitely be an additional unparalleled general in the Great Qin Empire.

"Your Majesty, this world can undoubtedly make the strength of those soldiers in our Great Qin Empire even stronger!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei said with that serious opening in his eyes.

"I think Your Majesty may be able to mobilize all the other major legions."

"At that time, all the legions of Daqin can increase their strength."

The current Zhang Wei said with that trying word.

This is the current Zhang Handan's idea.

If all the soldiers in the Great Qin Empire come to this world, then they will definitely be able to completely fight this world at the fastest speed, and even make the strength of those soldiers in the Great Qin Empire become stronger by the way.

Without him, it is only because their strength is enhanced through combat teams.

The bloodthirsty Heart Sutra they cultivated was completely to absorb the murderous qi and anger on the battlefield to enhance their own strength.

The strength of these major legions can definitely be enhanced, after all, they need to conquer this world.

But the remaining five major legions they had in the Daqin homeland were different.

Will their strength increase by then?

Not necessarily, so at this moment, Zhang Wei seems that if he can, he may try to mobilize all the five major legions they have in the Qing Dynasty.

Listening to the current Zhang Handan's words, Yingzheng at this moment smiled slightly.

"Zhang Aiqing, although the current world is quite powerful."

"But it can't accommodate tens of millions of troops."

"At present, the growth of this total army of 6 million is already at its limit, if we want to let another 5 million troops come to this world to fight."

"Although it is true that it is possible to defeat the all-round of this world at the fastest speed, the strength of those soldiers will not be able to improve so fast by then."

"At that time, when these 1 to 5 legions will knock this world down, then our Great Qin Empire will let the 6 to 10 legions attack when they capture the next one."

Something needs to be arranged.

"Do you understand that?"

Ying Zheng said lightly.

If this world is very large and can even accommodate the growth of tens of millions of troops, 100% of the winning government will mobilize all the other five major legions owned by the Great Qin Empire to fight in this world.

But it seems that according to what he knows, the territory of this world is not so huge at all.

After all, the word essence has appeared in this world, which means that this world is a world with the Shenzhou Continent as the territory.

Then the territory is definitely not that big, so what he needs to do now is to choose to transfer all of these six major legions to grow, and then the remaining five major legions will be trained in Daqin Mainland first.

When they conquer the next world, and that world is not particularly powerful, let the remaining five legions act.

The words that sounded like winning the government were immediately filled with a sudden realization in Zhang Han's eyes at this moment.

"So it is."

As Zhang Han showed an expression of sudden realization at this moment, he saw that the mighty army stopped.

And just like that, a general began to rush from the front line to where the winning government is currently located.

"Your Majesty, there is a temple ahead, and that temple is full of demon qi."

I saw a respectful voice ringing in the ears of the current winner.

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