Chapter 0125 - Action from the Great Qian Empire!!

"See Your Majesty, regarding that rebel army in the country, as long as you give the minister a million troops, the minister can definitely completely solve that rebel army!"

At present, I saw a general speak with absolute confidence in his eyes.

In the face of the words spoken by the general from this moment, all the generals who had in the hall looked at each other with that disdainful gaze.

Also a million-strong army.

They had their own sources, and at least they knew that the number of rebels that suddenly appeared was as high as at least 4 million, or more.

With such a huge army, at this time, someone actually told them that the other party only needed a million troops to solve the other party?

1 million to 3 million or 4 million?

I really thought that the other party was the God of War!

"Your Majesty, only 3 million troops can solve the opposite side"

As the words of the first general fell, I saw one general after another say this suggestion.

"Your Majesty, the minister only needs 2 million troops!"

"Your Majesty, the minister wants an army of 4 million!"

I saw one after another generals speaking with loud words, and the sound of words rendered the hall today like a vegetable market, listening to the words of one general after another at this moment, the civil officials at this moment did not have any other ideas.

Their idea is very simple, although they may suppress these generals at ordinary times, but at this time, such a large number of rebels have emerged in their country, and it is definitely necessary to completely solve that rebel army at this time!

Otherwise, if they really fight like this, then the status they currently have will be completely reduced to ashes, which is not what they want to see.

So while one after another generals opened their mouths to advise the emperor sitting on the dragon chair, the current civil officials one after another chose to close their mouths.

In the face of the words spoken by the generals one after another, the current emperor's eyes looked at the group of guys below with a silence.

As the current emperor listened to the noisy words coming from below, the green tendons in the emperor's forehead burst out at this moment: "Quiet! "

In an instant, as the words from the emperor spread throughout the hall, all the generals in the entire hall completely closed their mouths, and then looked ahead with a face as if nothing had happened

"Marshal Su, those rebels in the country will be left to you to solve!"

"As for those generals, you see that those guys in the court can be useful, and you let the other party follow you to eliminate the rebels."

The emperor who could only sit on the throne at the moment looked at the current old general with that serious gaze in his eyes.

That very old general was the oldest veteran in the empire today.

If it were ordinary, he might have chosen to ignore the other party altogether, but now that such a large rebel army has emerged in the entire empire, then he must use this veteran.

At least in the entire empire today, there really is no existence that can compete with the current General Su.

At this moment, when Old General Su heard the words spoken by the current emperor, at this moment, Old General Su's eyes also replied with that seriousness: "Obey the order!" "

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, I saw that the current Old General Su replied with an undoubted tone in his eyes.

"In the next step, all the rebels in the country will be solved!"

At this moment, I saw Old General Su's eyes say with an unprecedented seriousness.

"If Old General Su encounters any powerful enemy, then report to Xuan, and when the time comes, Xu will let the national division help Old General Su."

At this moment, the current emperor said with a stern opening in his eyes.

If this old general Su really had any accident on the battlefield at that time, he would really send the national division of their empire to help Old General Su.

When the emperor said this at this moment, there was also a deep admiration in his eyes, as if he trusted the national master in their empire.

Listening to the words spoken by the emperor from this moment, the eyes of the current old general Su were filled with a deep gloom.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, there is no need to trouble the national division at all, I can completely lead the army to completely solve some so-called rebels!"

At present, Old General Su replied to the current emperor with that calm opening in his eyes.

"Old General Su, the future of the Great Qian Empire is entrusted to you."

At the same time, the emperor sitting on the dragon chair completely chose to ignore when he heard the words of the current old general Su, in the current emperor's opinion, the current old general Su does not need the national division to help, this is just to prove himself, after all, the other party is also a veteran of the Eight Classics, if they all need others to help, then doesn't this mean that his veteran is old?

The current emperor made this very clear.

But if there really is a major crisis like this, then this emperor will not watch the current General Su and the army he leads next have an accident, which is the last heritage of his Great Qian Empire!

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

"The minister will definitely continue to carry on the great dry!"

At the same time, the current General Su replied with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

"You you you"

"And you, all of you will follow me to the army to solve the battle that comes next."

Soon, I saw that the current old general Su immediately selected one general after another in the court, ready to replenish the generals who attacked the army he led next.

In the face of the existence that can be named by General Su, then there is no intention to resist at this moment, after all, they can also understand that the current General Su can point out their names, then it means that they belong to the entire Great Qian Empire and finally serve the entire empire.

In this way, the high-level army formed by the Great Qian Empire was also thoroughly selected at this moment.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

At present, I saw that the current old general Su said to the emperor sitting in the dragon chair with a serious tone in his eyes.

"I believe in you!"

Faced with the words from Old General Su at this moment, the current emperor naturally nodded slightly and chose to be convinced.

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