Chapter 0126: At least we have acted!!

"It looks like it's time to move faster."

Just when the current emperor of the Great Qian Empire sent General Su Lao to prepare to go to war with the Great Qin Empire, the national master from the current Great Qian Empire said to himself with that deep and serious gaze in his eyes.

For the national teacher from the current Great Qian Empire, it is impossible for him to share the tribulations with the current Great Qian Empire like this!

That's right, it is impossible for him to share the tribulations with the current Great Qian Empire, his idea is simple.

He just wants to absorb the few national fortunes of the Great Qian Empire today to help him turn into a dragon.

But today's Great Qian Empire is about to die, and he is still here at this time, so maybe something may happen.

"Originally, I wanted you to live a little longer, but now you can die quietly."

At present, I saw that the national master's eyes had a coldness in them.

Originally, he also wanted to solve the current emperor by gentle means, after all, if the means were too drastic! At that time, it will not be good to cause a backlash of the national fortune.

But now?

If you don't act quickly, then there will really be a major accident at that time, and if the entire country is solved by the rebels, how much of the national fortune of the Great Qian Empire is left?

At that time, once the fortunes of the Great Qian Empire declined, he would have no hope of transforming into a dragon at all!

"Go and invite Your Majesty over, that is, I have something important."

At present, I saw this national master order to the boy outside the palace.

"Obey, Master Guoji."

Listening to a voice that sounded from inside the palace, the boy who was currently outside the palace immediately replied with a respectful tone.

Soon, the emperor, who was worried about the rebels in the current Great Qian Empire, received the news from the national division, and the emperor's eyes immediately showed that joy.

"Could it be that the National Division has a way to solve the rebels facing today?"

At the same time, the eyes of the current emperor carried that deep surprise.

At this moment, the emperor seemed that the national master called him over at this juncture, and he must have thought of how to solve the problem of today's rebels.

When he thought of such a possibility, there was a deep excitement in the eyes of the emperor.

"Set up, go to the hall of the national master!"

I saw that the emperor did not hesitate to order the eunuchs beside him.


Listening to the order from the emperor, the current eunuchs immediately replied with a respectful look.

As the current emperor of the Great Qian Empire began to set up his way towards the hall where the national division was, the current old general Su came to the current military camp at this moment.

"Marshal, where are we going to gather soldiers who can fight those rebels?"

A general said to Old General Su with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Although it is said that the other party belongs to the position of a general, but now the other party is already a marshal who belongs to the Eight Classics.

So what they call it naturally belongs to the marshal.

Faced with the words of this general from this moment, Marshal Su said with that calm opening in his eyes: "Pull those ordinary people in!" "


"At the same time, gather all the troops that are currently mobilized!"

"This is a major issue related to the survival of the entire Great Qian Empire."

"Whether our Great Qian Empire survives next depends on whether we can win this war."

At this moment, the current Marshal Su said with a serious opening in his eyes.

"But according to what we know so far, the other side has more than 4 million troops, can we really fight?"

The other general had a deep worry in his eyes.

If the number of the opponent's army is only a few hundred thousand, then forget it, they can still wipe it out.

But according to the information learned so far, the number of the opponent's army totals several million!

The other side has a total of four armies, and the number of armies in each army is at least one million, although it seems a little incredible.

But if everyone gathers the same information, then this is completely certain.

The number of opposing armies is really around 4 million!

In the face of 4 million rebels, can they really fight?

The current general's eyes were filled with an unprecedented worry, listening to the words of the general at this moment, and the current Marshal Su's eyes had a seriousness.

"Even if you can't beat it, you have to fight!"

"All we need to do now is hit!"

"Even if the price paid by then is the total annihilation of the army, at least we have tried!"

"Even if we really lose the war at that time, even if the entire Great Qian Empire collapses by then, at least we have tried."

"Instead of choosing to surrender when you are not going to fight."

At present, Marshal Su's eyes carried a seriousness.

Listening to the words of the current Marshal Su, the eyes of one general after another had an unprecedented scream.


At this moment, the generals who were currently called over by Su Yangshuai all had a firmness in their eyes.

That's right, although they can also see that the end of the entire Great Qian Empire is almost doomed, but at least they have to work hard!

If you have not worked hard and have not struggled in politics, and directly declare that the entire empire has been completely defeated, then is this really worthy of the cultivation of the Great Qian Empire?

"If it really comes to that point, surrender."

Marshal Su stood in front and couldn't help but say to the generals who had behind him.

They all belong to the existence that is truly loyal to the Great Qian Empire, but if the current 1.7 Great Qian Empire is really unable to return to heaven, they can also choose to surrender.

Listening to the words of the current Marshal Su, the generals one after another were silent for a while, and then replied with a soft voice: "Obey the order." "

"Go, summon as much as you can!"

I saw that the current Marshal Su's tone also became serious at this moment.

"Go and get moving!"

With the current wave of Su Yangshuai's hand, one after another generals began to go to the streets of Kyoto at present.

Soon, under some coercion and inducement, most of the young people who had in the entire progress were drawn closer to the army.

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