Chapter 0127 - Encircling the Great Qin Army of the Kunlun Sect!!

Just when the four-way army from the current Great Qin Empire began to capture the territory of the entire Great Qian Empire, Meng Tian at this moment led the Fifth Legion and the Zombie Legion to the Kunlun Sect, the largest faction in the current Great Qian Empire.

"Surround the entire Kunlun Sect!"

"Don't let go of anything!"

"It is very likely that any thing belongs to those cultivators!"

I saw that Meng Tian said with a serious opening in his eyes.

In the face of the order from Meng Tian, one after another the generals replied with a serious voice: "Obey the order!" "

As the words of the generals fell, they began to lead the army they controlled and began to surround the entire Kunlun faction.

Facing the fact that Meng Tian led the army and began to surround the entire Kunlun Sect today, those guys who currently had in the Kunlun Sect completely felt a panic.

"This, this..."

"Where the hell did they come from?"

"And what's going on with those zombies?"

"Why does the other side have such a large number of zombie legions?"

In an instant, as the current head of the Kunlun Sect, he looked at the scene outside their Kunlun Sect with an incredible look in his eyes.

For the current head of the Kunlun Sect, he can also understand what is happening in the whole world at present.

But he didn't choose to mix it, and if he wanted to choose to mix it, then it really wasn't something that belonged to him and a Kunlun faction could solve it at that time.

In this regard, the current head of the Kunlun Sect said that while they did not blend into the mundane, the demons and demons that they had outside the Kunlun Sect did not have the courage to invade the Kunlun Sect.

Although it is said that the whole world today belongs to the world of demons, don't forget that the Kunlun faction is also a big faction that belongs to the Eight Classics, and the other party still has the ability to solve all demons.

In this regard, the Kunlun Sect has survived unharmed in today's demonic world.

But why can anyone tell him where today's million-strong army and million-strong zombie army came from?

"Guys, who can know the origin of the army outside our Kunlun Sect at present?"

At present, I saw that the head of the Kunlun Sect looked at the one after another head with a confused look in his eyes, and asked slightly.

Facing the words spoken by the head of the Kunlun Sect at this moment, the eyes of one leader after another at this moment suddenly carried that doubt and even confusion.

"This, this..."

The elders looked at each other with a look of bewilderment in their eyes.

Apparently, they didn't know how to respond to their boss's words.

Facing the many elders who didn't know anything, there was a hint of displeasure in the eyes of the head of the Kunlun Sect at this moment.

"Chief, or shall we open the Mountain Protection Array?"

"Although I don't know what their origin is, they are now surrounding the entire Kunlun Sect, and their purpose is definitely to attack the Kunlun Sect, our current strength."

At this moment, an elder said with that thoughtful look in his eyes.

Facing what the current elder said, the other elders all looked at each other with a slight thought in their eyes at this moment.

"Boss, this seems to be good."

At this moment, one elder after another agreed with the words of the current elder.

Obviously, in the face of the current Kunlun faction's strength, it is against the 2 million troops outside their Kunlun faction?

I'm sorry, they really can't fight at the moment.

It's not that the strength of their Kunlun faction is not strong, but that no matter how strong the strength of their Kunlun faction is, it can't compete with the 2 million army!

The murderous looks of the soldiers in the current 1 million human army of 2 million really shocked them.

Moreover, according to what they observed, the strength of all the soldiers in the opponent's human army was all in the realm of refining qi!

In other words, an army of millions of cultivators of the Qi Refining Realm surrounded the entire Kunlun Sect, and the most important thing was that the murderous aura they emitted could completely affect them.

That monstrous murderous aura echoed in the sky above the current Kunlun Sect.

They really couldn't ignore the impact of the current huge murderous aura.

If the opponent's strength is very weak, then forget it, but if the murderous aura is really huge to a certain extent, then the power caused by this is really very terrifying.

At the very least, the murderous aura possessed by the current million-strong army is definitely not ordinary.

Not to mention the million zombie legions!

They also know something about zombies, and this thing can be solved by a cultivator casually, but what if the number of zombies is also huge to an unimaginable extent?

Millions of zombies gathered together, who can solve it at this time?

Sorry, the current Kunlun faction says they really can't solve it.

The 2 million army surrounded the entire Kunlun Sect, and the only thing they could do might be to choose to fully open the entire Kunlun Sect's Mountain Protection Array, for the words spoken by the current elders one after another, 670 At this moment, the Kunlun Sect leader's eyes fell into a moment of silence.

"Okay, go and open the Mountain Protection Array!"

"At the same time, with all means, inquire where the current army came from!"

The current head of the Kunlun Sect said with a serious opening in his eyes.


One after another, the elders replied slightly.

With the departure of one elder after another, the current Kunlun Sect's mountain protection array also slowly opened at this moment.


As the entire Kunlun Sect's Mountain Protection Array slowly opened at this moment, Meng Tian at the foot of the Kunlun Sect and the generals one after another all looked at the Kunlun Sect wrapped in that layer of power at this moment.

"Looks like they're planning to be shrunken turtles!"

At present, Meng Tian looked at the current Kunlun Sect with that disdain in his eyes.

"Continue the surrounding!"

"I don't believe it, they really want to be a shrunken turtle for a lifetime!"

Meng Tian's eyes had a seriousness in them.


One after another, the generals replied slightly.

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