Chapter 0128 - The Great Qian Emperor Who Was Eaten!!

As Meng Tian's 2 million army surrounded the Kunlun faction, the national divisions in the current imperial capital of the Great Qian Empire also began to gather the emperor into his palace.

"National Master, have you thought of any good way to deal with those rebels today?"

The current emperor looked at the current national master with that expectant look in his eyes.

Faced with the words spoken by the emperor, the current national master replied with a slight smile in his eyes: "That's nature. "

"Since he has become the national teacher of the current Great Qian Empire, it is natural to share the worries of the current Great Qian Empire at this time."

"So about the problem of that rebel army, there is naturally a solution."

At this moment, the national master replied with a slight smile.

"But Your Majesty, those who are not relevant at the moment may need to leave."

"After all, that rebel army can pull out such a large army within the current Great Qian Empire, and I am afraid that it is no longer safe inside the palace."

"Therefore, please also ask Your Majesty to order all the irrelevant people to withdraw, and the national master at this moment said with a serious word."

Listening to the words of the national master, the current emperor's eyes also began to carry a seriousness.

"That's right, that rebel army can develop such a large army under Xun's nose, there must be some people on the other side in the palace, and even some people in the court!"

"Otherwise, why would Xin's eyes be blinded!"

"There are definitely some people who have betrayed Xuan!"

At present, the emperor of the Great Qian Empire had a look of anger in his eyes.

Obviously, he felt that what the current national teacher said was very correct!

The other party was able to develop such a huge army in today's Great Qian Empire, and there were definitely people above the court today who had already betrayed him!

After all, that's an army of nearly 4 million!

If you talk about hundreds of thousands of troops, then forget it, although he is not very clear about what the whole country has fallen to today, but he can also understand that the people who have in the entire Great Qian Empire today are not having a good life, so they may be rebelled by those rebel leaders.

But no matter how you rebel, you can't have such a huge number of troops, right?!

That's a few million troops!

An army of hundreds of thousands can already be regarded as an incredible effort, but now the other party has increased tenfold!

The number of rebels is directly as high as several million!

No matter how it looks, it looks like the group of people in the court today blinded his eyes!

The crowd in the court blinded him and finally blinded him to what was happening in the people.

"You guys stand down!"

I saw that the emperor said to the eunuchs one after another with anger in his eyes.

Now he looked at everyone and felt like the other traitor.

In the face of the emperor's words, the eunuchs who had one after another in the current hall did not dare to have any opinion at all.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

"Tread, tread..."

As the figures of the eunuchs one after another retreated, only the emperor and the national master were left in the entire hall.

When only the emperor and the national master were left in the hall, the emperor looked at the current national master with that trusting gaze at this moment.

At this moment, the emperor seems to be the only one who can make him trust, and I am afraid that the only one who can trust him is the current national master.

"National Master, also ask the National Master to save the Great Qian Empire!"

I saw that the emperor's eyes carried that sincere gaze.

Facing the sincere gaze from the emperor, the current national master resumed with a kind tone in his tone: "Your Majesty, please come close to me and let me tell you alone the way to save the Great Qian Empire." "

At this moment, the national master said slightly.

In the face of the words from the national master, the current emperor could not feel anything wrong at all.

"Tread, tread..."

I saw that the emperor walked directly to the side of the current national master, and the national master at this moment also said slightly to the emperor at this moment: "In fact, the emperor, on the question of how to save the current Daqian Empire, I can only say that I have no way at all. "

"There is another thing, that is, whether the current Great Qian Empire survives or not has nothing to do with me at all."

I saw the national master slowly speak with that kind tone.

At the same time that the words of the national master fell, the current emperor looked at the national master with an incredible gaze in his eyes.

"Are you kidding me?"

At this moment, the emperor looked at the current national division with that angry gaze.

At the moment when the emperor's words fell, I saw that the national master also began to completely degenerate his body.

As the National Master slowly shed his body, a huge centipede began to appear in the hall today.


At the same time as that huge centipede appeared in the hall, I saw an inexplicable streamer slightly echoing in the entire hall.

"This, this..."

Looking at this huge centipede, the emperor's eyes carried that fear

"You you you, you're a youkai?!"

I saw that the current emperor shouted slightly with that incredible gaze in his eyes, and the current emperor's eyes carried that unprecedented fear.

The other party actually belongs to a monster?!

The national master of his Great Qian Empire is actually a monster?!


A voice that seemed to be roaring and not roaring roared in the mouth of the current centipede.

"Now that you understand my identity, I think you can also understand your results at this time, right?"

A huge centipede was now staring at the current emperor with that one looking gaze.

"This, this..."

The emperor's eyes carried an unprecedented fear.

"No, no, no, don't kill me, I canonize you as a national teacher, and I am your benefactor."

"Let you enjoy the treatment of being a national teacher, you don't kill me."

The current emperor's words appear incomparable.

He only had one meaning, that is, to let the current national master let him go, but how could the national master at this moment let the current emperor go?

"I'm sorry, my Emperor Majesty."

"At present, anyone in the entire Great Qian Empire can live, but only you can't survive"

"Because I still depend on you to turn into a dragon!"

As the words of the national master fell, he rushed towards the current emperor without hesitation, and then swallowed the emperor into his stomach.


I saw that the figure of the emperor was completely swallowed into the stomach by the national master.


At the same time that the emperor was swallowed into the stomach by the national master, the remnants of the entire Daqian Empire completely rioted.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

A roar echoed in the current capital of the Great Qian Empire.

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