Chapter 0130 - A Poor Ghost in a Group of Rich People!!

Just when the current Great Qian Empire's Qi Luck True Dragon was fiercely charging towards the Monster National Division, the army led by the current Win Zheng appeared in the distance

"Hehe, I didn't expect them to actually fight before."

The current Yingzheng's eyes looked into the distance with a slight interest, and in the current Yingzheng's field of vision, the National Fortune True Dragon he was familiar with was fighting with that monster.

As for that youkai?

It looks very strange, has the basis of a centipede, and has a bit of a snake-look.

That's right, in today's winning government, the other party does not have the appearance that a dragon should have, and the other party's appearance is completely the appearance between the snake and the centipede that belongs to the Eight Classics, of course, with the centipede as the main body and the snake as the subordinate is such a strange existence that is fighting with the remnants of the current national power of this country.

"Your Majesty, that guy seems to have a true dragon bloodline in his body."

"He seems to be turning into a dragon."

Facing those guys who were fighting in front of him at the moment, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master who was next to Yingzheng at this moment said with a slight frown in judgment.

Although dragons almost no longer exist in their world, dragons still existed in the distant past.

Therefore, their Dragon Tiger Mountain is still recorded, so at this moment, after the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master looked at the monster who was fighting with the country's national fortune true dragon in the distance, he could also roughly judge that the other party wanted to evolve towards the dragon

"That's right, Your Majesty, the other party wants to turn into a dragon."

At the same time, a snake king who was owned by the winning political life party said with an affirmation in his eyes.

Compared to the uncertainty that the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master had, the Snake King was different.

He can definitely reply that that youkai just wants to turn into a dragon now!

"The other party does have a trace of dragon bloodline in his body, but it may be that the other party's ancestor had a relationship with the dragon, and finally the existence he had during the ancestor period, in the birth of descendants with various animals, finally there was such a centipede."

"The dragon bloodline in the other party's body is very scarce, and it is not even as strong as the dragon bloodline in my body."

The current snake king's eyes had a sense of disgust.

He may be very impressed with the strength of the current monster national master, but for that monster national master who wants to transform into a pseudo-dragon with the body of a centipede?

Sorry, he really can't look at it.

The dragon bloodline in the other party's body is there, and the other party still wants to use the current thin bloodline to transform the dragon?

Isn't this a joke?

The dragon bloodline he has in his body may not be able to transform the dragon, and the other party still wants to transform the dragon?

It can only be said that the current snake king is completely invisible.

Listening to the words of the current Snake King, the current abbots and heads one after another, and even the other nine demon kings all looked at the centipede national master who was fighting against the True Dragon of that country.

"So it is."

At present, one after another guys have a sudden realization in their eyes.

"Want to turn into a dragon?"

"Now this snake is not like a snake, a dragon is not like a dragon, and a centipede is not like a centipede."

"It's just three different."

The current head of the Maoshan faction had a sense of disgust in his eyes.

If the other party really has achieved something on this road of turning into a dragon, then forget it, but the other party's centipede that has made his body has begun to change, and since he wants to transform into a dragon, he definitely needs to start with a snake and then start in the dragon and finally become a dragon.

As a result, now even snakes can't turn into dragons, and they want to turn into dragons?

Isn't that a joke?

Faced with the disgust in the eyes of the current guy after another, the winner at this moment smiled slightly.

"Do you have the confidence to capture the other party?"

Ying Zheng said with an inquiring tone in his tone.

In the face of the current Yingzheng's inquiry, at this moment, one after another guys looked at each other.

"Your Majesty, as long as the other party fights with the current National Fortune Dragon, when the time comes, the other party defeats the National Fortune True Dragon, then the other party itself will also suffer some damage."

"As long as we wait until then, then we have an absolutely strong certainty that we can catch each other in one fell swoop."

At present, I saw the current Yan Chixia said with a trace of steadiness.

In the face of what Yan Chixia said at present, at this moment, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master had a different opinion: "You are too conservative. "

"The power we have is not as simple as it seems..."

"It's just to deal with a small youkai, maybe the other party's strength is stronger than all of us."

"But don't forget our numbers."

"If the existence of the other party's late Yuan God realm is very powerful, can it still beat dozens of our existences?"

The eyes of the current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master carried that confidence.

Not to mention their number, they did not belong to Yan Chixia's kind of scattered cultivation.

There may be no background behind those ten demon kings, but they belong to the heads of one sect after another and the abbots of one temple after another!

They can be passed down to this day, and the heritage they had in their ancestor period is not comparable to the current small centipede monster.

Even if the wealth of their sect has been consumed after the passage of time, but the heads of so many of their sects and the abbots of those temples all add up, it is still completely easy to solve the current centipede monster.

In this regard, at least at this moment, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master had absolute confidence.

Listening to the confident words of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master, Yan Chixia opened her mouth, and finally looked at those guys who were full of confidence one after another.

"Yes, you can rest assured of that."

"Although our strength is a big realm different from the other side, sometimes the battle is not just a realm."

"Sometimes battles rely on magic weapons."

One of the Buddhist abbots said with confidence in his eyes

"Coincidentally, we all currently have magic weapons."

"It may not be particularly powerful, but it is still easy for us to join forces to suppress this monster."

The corner of the abbot's mouth was filled with a confident smile.

"Okay then."

When Yan Chixia looked at this group of guys, when he saw that all the guys in this group had that confident smile on their lips.

"It turns out that I'm the only one who is a poor ghost?!"

Yan Chixia let out a roar in her heart.

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