Chapter 0131 - Poisonous Spit VS The Will of All Sentient Beings!!


As the mighty army began to advance towards the current Great Qian Empire, the common people from the current Great Qian Empire also noticed this group of huge troops outside the imperial capital.

"This, this, this, this is the rebel?!"

At the same time, Marshal Su, who had not yet set off, and the generals one after another, when they looked at the huge army that appeared in the distance, all the guys were completely stunned.

With such a large army appearing here at their moment, there are only 100% rebels!

Because their Great Qian Empire does not have such a large army at present!

Then there is only one explanation left, the rebels are coming!

"It's over..."

The previous generals looked at the monster in the sky who was fighting with the dragon of their Great Qin Empire, and at the remaining Daqian Empire's army in the distance.

All the guys had only one thought in their minds, and their Great Qian Empire was finished.

Their Great Qian Empire really had no hope at all.

"Emperor Xian!"

"I'm ashamed of my cultivation of you!"

I saw a hint of despair in the eyes of the current Marshal Su.

He felt that he was ashamed of their cultivation of the ancestors of the Great Qian Empire, which led to the imminent demise of the current Great Qian Empire.


Deep sighs echoed through the current barracks, and one after another the generals looked at each other with desperate eyes.

At the same time, at the same time that the million-strong army led by the current Victory Zheng Institute began to approach Kyoto City, the monster national division that was fighting with the Great Qin Empire's National Fortune Dragon in the sky above Kyoto City also saw the army coming in the direction of the imperial capital in the distance.

"Damn, why did this group of rebels appear?!"

The Monster National Master had a solemnity in his heart.

"And why is the murderous aura that these guys possess so huge?!"

When the Monster National Master looked at the unparalleled murderous aura possessed in the air above the Great Qin army, he instantly felt a trace of heaviness.

"No, I must not be touched by the murderous aura emitted by this group of guys, otherwise I will have no hope of turning into a dragon at that time!"

The current monster national master had a hint of firmness in his eyes.

If he was really contaminated by the murderous aura and anger emitted by the Great Qin army, he felt that the dragon bloodline in his body, which was not strong in itself, was likely to change because of such a huge murderous aura, and it was very likely that the few dragon bloodlines in his own body would disappear completely.

That's right, those dragon bloodlines in his body are themselves very thin, he relies on the power of the national fortune of the current Great Qian Empire to completely stimulate the few dragon bloodlines in his body, if it is because of the huge murderous aura emitted by the current Great Qin army touches him, then the dragon bloodline that is being stimulated or revived in his body is likely to stop recovering.

For him, this can be said to be desperate.

So no matter what, he can't be bumped into by that army!

Otherwise, he may be hopeless to turn into a dragon for the rest of his life!

"Damn it!"

"Just let you experience how powerful I am!"

At present, the monster national master looked at the national fortune dragon opposite him with a deep anger in his eyes.


I saw that the Monster National Master roared while beginning to gather the power he had in his body in his mouth.

"Let you experience the breath that my imitation dragon clan has!"

A trace of fierceness flashed in the eyes of the monster national master.

His breath imitating the dragon race is not really a breath, he just gathers some of the highly toxic power in his body in his mouth and then sprays it out, but he defines this power as the dragon breath.

"Dragon Breath!!"

Who knew that under the loud roar of that monster national master, a black-purple power began to gather in his mouth, and sprayed towards the national fortune dragon opposite him.

"Roar, roar!"

When the power possessed by the Monster National Master sprayed towards the National Cloud Dragon, the National Fortune Dragon naturally would not stand there stupidly and let the Monster National Master spray.


The few qi luck forces of the Great Qian Empire also began to be mobilized by the current dragon of national fortune.

"La la la!"

A force that symbolized light, justice, and even the unity of all beings began to gather in the dragon of national fortune.


As the power that symbolized the will of all living beings began to gather out at the dragon of national fortune, at this moment, he also began to spray this power symbolizing the will of all living beings towards the monster national master opposite him.

"Boom la la!!"

As that powerful and incomparable force sprayed towards the Monster National Master, the highly poisonous breath that imitated the breath of the dragon race possessed by the Monster National Master at this moment also completely collided with the power ejected by the dragon of that national fortune at this moment


As the forces of the two sides began to collide in the sky, one powerful force after another continued to echo in the sky.


As that powerful force began to reverberate in the sky, explosion after explosion began to erupt in the sky.

In the face of the explosion after explosion in the sky, the eyes of the group of ordinary people below looked in the direction of the sky with a deep solemn and even heavy gaze.

"You must win!"

There was a heaviness in the eyes of the common people one after another.

They understand that the monster is definitely bad, but the power that the monster possesses can compete with the dragon of national fortune.

Although they don't know what will happen when the youkai defeats the Dragon of National Fortune, they only know that they must not let that youkai win.

In the face of the prayers that the people had in their hearts, the power of the current National Fortune Dragon became even stronger at this moment.


As the power of that Dragon of National Fortune began to erupt wildly, the Monster National Master also instantly sensed a pressure.

"Damn it!"

"You forced me!"

I saw that the Monster National Master looked at the National Fortune Dragon opposite him with a deep anger in his eyes.

"Highly toxic rot 2.6 eclipse!"

One after another, the power permeated from the body of the Monster National Master, and surged towards the capital below.

When the power from the monster national division began to pervade the capital, one after another ordinary people died in an instant when they came into contact with this force



One after another, the common people fled madly, wailing madly.

As one after another ordinary people frantically fled and wailed, the power of the Sky Chinese Dragon of Fortune was also reduced at this moment.

The purpose of the Yokai National Master was achieved.

"Go and die!"

I saw that the power experienced by the monster national master once again shot fiercely towards the national fortune dragon opposite him.

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