Chapter 0132 - Four White Tigers Siege National Master!!


I saw that the breath that symbolized poison shot the current dragon of national fortune fiercely.

With that incomparable breath shooting the dragon of Chinese luck fiercely, the dragon that is currently coming from the current national fortune has to choose to retreat temporarily in the face of this strong breath at this moment.

If nothing else, especially those ordinary people in the entire imperial capital have been killed a lot by this monster national master, which naturally leads to the current decline in the power possessed by the dragon of national fortune.

Therefore, in the face of the current scene, the dragon of national fortune can naturally choose to retreat helplessly.

However, although it is said that the dragon of national fortune chose to retreat like this, it does not mean that the monster national master will let him go if he thinks so.

"Dare to hinder me, you die!"

"Accompany you, the waste emperor, to die together!"

I saw that the eyes of the current monster national master carried that crazy bloodthirsty intent.


Under that crazy roar, one after another powerful and incomparable forces erupted from the body 26 of the current Monster National Master, and soon scattered the dragon of national fortune that had turned into an illusory state.

When the dragon of national fortune was about to disperse, he currently set his sights on the monster national master, and then sprayed all the power contained in his body to the last national fortune power possessed in the entire Great Qian Empire towards the monster national master opposite him.


A violent explosion sounded in the sky.

Under this violent explosion, the dragon of national fortune that originally appeared in the sky above the imperial capital also completely dissipated at this moment, and the monster national master's body began to be disturbed by the force that symbolized the will of all living beings.

"Damn it!"

Faced with the constant interference of the power in the body, the monster national master's eyes showed a hint of tyranny.

The power he possessed in his body was violently mixed up by the last attack that the Dragon of National Fortune possessed just now.

Maybe in normal times, he could have calmed down and dissolve the power he had in his body one by one, but now it was different!

The group of guys from the rebels had already appeared outside the imperial capital.

"Surround the entire imperial capital!"

There was a seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes.


One after another, the generals replied respectfully.

Subsequently, under the leadership of the military commander Zhang Han, the current generals one after another began to lead the army under them to surround the entire imperial capital in every direction.


As the mighty Daqin army surrounded the imperial capital of the present-day Daqian Empire, that huge murderous aura also began to condense in the sky above the present-day Daqin army.


As that huge murderous aura condensed in the air above the Daqin army, the white tigers that were condensed by the monstrous murderous aura also began to unfold in the sky above the current Daqin army at this moment.

In total, there are four large armies, and the four roads army tightly encircles the four walls of the entire imperial capital.

The four killing white tigers stared at the monster national master that he had in the imperial capital.

Although this killing white tiger was not particularly huge, at this moment, these four white tigers completely surrounded the entire imperial capital.

"It's over."

The current Monster National Master looked at the white tiger in the direction of the surroundings with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

"Let me live, and I can promise not to interfere with the country you are building next!"

At present, the Monster National Master shouted in the direction of the east with a solemn look in his eyes.

The army there is extremely dense, and there is no doubt that there is definitely a core figure of this rebel army, and it is really possible that the leader of this rebel army belongs to it.

In the face of the words of the monster national master, the current winning government chose to ignore.

"Let's do it, completely solve this guy, and by the way, heal those ordinary people in the city for the time being."

"From now on, they can also be regarded as the common people of our Great Qin Empire."

Ying Zheng looked at the common people one after another, and looked at the guys who were deeply poisoned, and at this moment, he slowly spoke.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

One after another Daoist priests and one abbot after another replied with a serious look in their eyes.

"Take this damn youkai down!"

For a moment, I saw a Yan Kang opening in everyone's eyes and said.

"Tread, tread..."

With the sound of footsteps, the current guys began to surround the monster national master in the sky.


One guy after another just took to the skies.


But the monster national master looked at the group of guys who surrounded him with a serious look in his eyes.

"Looks like you're trying to solve me."

The eyes of the current monster national master narrowed slightly, and he looked at the guy who was currently surrounded by this circle.

"Hehe, some Yuan Infant realm existences, and they still want to compete with me"

"Who gave you the confidence?"

At present, I saw that the national master's eyes had a trace of disdain.

If the four killing white tigers attacked him, he might be very likely to be severely damaged, but now the killing white tiger was watching the tiger on the sidelines, but he didn't mean to intervene.

On the contrary, the existence of this group of Yuan Infant realms has to choose to solve it?

Do you really think that his strength has fallen to such a point?

I saw that the current Monster National Master looked at the most powerful Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master there with a serious look in his eyes.

"I'll let you see it today, even if my strength has fallen a lot, even if my strength is not as good as at my peak, it is still very easy to solve you!"

I saw that the national master had a trace of disdain in his eyes, and even looked at the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master in front of that cruelty.

In the face of the current monster's intimidation, I saw a calm in the eyes of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master.

"I didn't think that I could completely solve you with my own strength, but I think maybe something can solve you."

At present, the eyes of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master carried that calmness.


In an instant, as the words of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master fell, a handful of floating dust instantly appeared in his hand, and the power contained in this floating sink immediately made the eyes of the current Monster National Master instantly brighten.

"Yes, this thing belongs to me!"

I saw that the monster national master had a hint of greed in his eyes.

Then, with a hint of greed in the eyes of that Monster National Master, the masters and abbots who owned one after another behind the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master began to sacrifice their sect's magic weapons.

"Brush brush brush!"

For a moment, the entire sky was instantly colorful.

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